Appendix VI. Worksheet


What signs do you have when you get angry? Check those that apply.

___ changes of muscle tension

___ scowling

___ grinding of teeth

___ glaring

___ clenching your fists

___ changes of arms and position of body

___ flushing (getting red in face or body)

___ paling (losing color)

___ goose bumps

___ chills and shudders

___ prickly sensations

___ numbness

___ choking

___ twitching

___ sweating

___ losing self-control

___ feeling hot

___ feeling cold

What kinds of situations cause you to become angry? Write one or two examples.

"Stupid Inanimate Objects"

"Special Aversions"


Other Examples

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This document was last updated on June 26, 2008