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Assessment and Evaluation

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MidContinental Region conducts an ongoing program of assessment and evaluation to identify regional needs and opportunities for program development, to demonstrate the value of network membership and to evaluate the quality of services provided in the region. Assessment and Evaluation also works in concert with the Advocacy project to identify and create tools and to teach librarians in the region about using evaluation to show the value of health sciences libraries in member organizations and institutions. The links below will take you to useful web sites, reports of evaluation activities in the region and information about classes and presentations related to evaluation of outreach activities and library programs.

Evaluation information on the web

There is a wealth of information about evaluation on the web. Some is specifically geared toward librarians and some can be adapted from other areas such as education, non-profit work, departments in the U.S. government and in the health arena.


A number of online tools can help librarians translate statistics and counts of services and resources into a powerful message for administrators. In addition to anecdotes about positive experiences and kudos from users librarians can solicit feedback from users with surveys. Try the Library Value Calculator, the CBA/ROI Calculator for books and journals and the new Database Calculator - tools for putting library concepts into financial terms.

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Evaluation glossaries offer definitions and descriptions of the terminology used in evaluation practice. They are wide ranging and not specifically library related, but still useful to librarians. Take a look to gain insight into the language of evaluation

Classes and presentations

Classes and presentations are available through the NN/LM, from both the MidContinental liaisons and the Outreach Evaluation Resource Center (OERC). Links to Power Points of presentations on evaluation given by the Assessment and Evaluation Liaison and to classes offered are available.

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Evaluation in the Region

The MidContinental region practices evaluation in its daily work. Tools such as Logic Models, Evaluation Plans, focus groups, questionnaires are employed to understand the needs of the Network membership and to guide the programs offered. These tools allow the RML staff to continuously review progress toward the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Goals and toward the Region's objectives and desired outcomes in pursuit of those goals.

Member input

The results of all activities that solicit Member input are compiled into written reports and posted on this website. Check here for insights gained from Network member questionnaires and focus groups conducted with Members from health sciences and with public librarians in the region

For more information contact: Betsy Kelly
Phone: Add 800 #800-338-7657 opt1/opt2/opt2 Fax: 314-454-6606

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