Indian Education—Formula Grants to Local Education Agencies

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Source: Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs

Program Office: Office of Indian Education

CFDA Number: 84.060
Program Type: Formula Grants
Also Known As: Indian Education Formula Grants

Program Description

This program is designed to address the unique education and culturally related academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students, including preschool children, so that these students can achieve to the same challenging state performance standards expected of all students. The program is the Department's principal vehicle for addressing the particular needs of Indian children.

Types of Projects

Grant funds supplement the regular school program. Projects help Indian children sharpen their academic skills, assisting students in becoming proficient in the core content areas, and provide students an opportunity to participate in enrichment programs that would otherwise be unavailable. Funds support such activities as after-school programs, early childhood education, tutoring, and dropout prevention.

Additional Information

The Indian Education Formula Grant program provides grants to support local educational agencies in their efforts to reform elementary and secondary school programs that serve Indian students. The programs funded are to be based on challenging State content standards and State student performance standards used for all students, and be designed to assist Indian students to meet those standards.

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Last Modified: 09/09/2008