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HEASARC: Software


ASTRO-Update: Keep your astronomy analysis software up-to-date

Astro-Update Headlines [Valid RSS]

Ordered by Date of last update of released software

Name Responsible Entity Version Last Update
XSPEC: X-ray spectral Analysis software HEASARC 12.5.0an 27 July 2009
IDL Astronomical Users Library ASD/GSFC 17 Jul 2009 17 Jul 2009
fv: Fits File Viewer HEASARC 5.3 16 Jul 2009
Aladin: An interactive software sky atlas CDS; ULP/CNRS 6 16 Jul 2009
ACIS_EXTRACT: IDL-based ACIS analysis package PSU 2009jun22 22 June 2009
HEAsoft: Multi-Mission High Energy Analysis software HEASARC 6.6.3 3 Jun 2009
STDAS: Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System STScI 3.10 11 May 2009
STScI Python: includes PyRAF, PyFITS, Numdisplay, MultiDrizzle for HST STScI 2.8 11 May 2009
CFITSIO: FITS file access subroutine library HEASARC 3.181 beta 10 May 2009
CIAO: Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations (Release) CXC 4.1.2 20 Apr 2009
SAOImage ds9: FITS image viewer and analyzer SAO/HEASARC 5.6 15 Apr 2009
ISIS: Interactive Spectral Interpretation System CXC 1.4.9-54 10 Mar 2009
SAE: Science Analysis Environment for Fermi FSSC v9r8p2 06 Feb 2009
MIDAS: Munich Image Data Analysis System ESO 09FEBpl1.0 3 Feb 2009
PIMMS: Portable, Interactive Multi-Mission Simulator HEASARC 3.9j 21 Jan 2009
AIPS: Astronomical Image Processing System (development) NRAO 31DEC09 15 Jan 2009
AIPS: Astronomical Image Processing System (stable) NRAO 31DEC08 09 Dec 2008
IRAF: Image Reduction and Analysis Facility NOAO 2.14.1 16 Sep 2008 command-line query of HEASARC databases, uses wget HEASARC 2.2 31 Jul 2008
CHIANTI: atomic database for X-ray plasma spectral modeling NRL and others 5.2.1 29 July 2008
SAS: XMM-Newton Science Analysis Software XMM-SOC 8.0.0 2 Jul 2008
XIMAGE: Image Analysis Software HEASARC 4.4.1 02 Jul 2008
CCfits: object oriented interface to cfitsio HEASARC 2.0 23 Apr 2008
W3Browse: Astrophysics Observation Database and Archive browser HEASARC 8.4 9 Oct 2007
OSA: INTEGRAL Off-Line Scientific Analysis Software ISDC 7.0 26 Sep 2007
PROFIT: Visualize and Model Spectra Smith/HEASARC 2.0.0 07 Aug 2007
PINTofALE: Package for Interactive Analysis of Line Emission Drake & Kashyap/CXC 2.6 07 Jun 2007
XSTAR: physical conditions and emission spectra of photoionized gases. Kallman/HEASARC 2.1kn7 24 Mar 2007 command-line query of HEASARC databases HEASARC 2.1a 16 Nov 2006
XSPEC 11: Old-School X-ray spectral analysis software HEASARC 11.3.2 13 Apr 2005
XRONOS: Timing Analysis Software HEASARC 5.21 06 May 2004
EXSAS: Extended X-ray Scientific Analysis System for ROSAT MPE 01APR_EXP Apr 2001
PROS: Post-Reduction Off-line Software for X-ray data analysis CfA 2.5_p1 Mar 1998
SPEX: SPEctral X-ray and UV modeling, analysis and fitting Kaastra/SRON 1.10 25 Apr 1994
SPEX: SPEctral X-ray and UV modeling, analysis and fitting (development) Kaastra/SRON 2.00.11 04 Nov 2004

Ordered by Latest Update

Associated Data
Name Responsible Entity Version Posted Latest Update Comments
CALDB: Calibration Data HEASARC Varies by mission 04 August 2009 04 August 2009 RXTE PCA
CCF: Current Calibration File for XMM-Newton XMM SOC Varies by instrument 17 Jul 2009 15 Jul 2009 XMM-CCF-REL-255, "EPIC out of field-of-view description"; XMM-CCF-REL-254, "EPIC MOS screening thresholds"; XMM-CCF-REL-252, "OM Bad Pixels"
Chandra CALDB CXC 4.1.3 09 Mar 2009 08 Mar 2009 for use with Ciao 4.1 and higher
ATOMDB: atomic database for X-ray plasma spectral modeling CXC 1.3.1 03 Jul 2003 03 Jul 2003

SAO's list of Astronomical Software on the Web

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Page author: Michael F. Corcoran