Madoff Pleads Guilty To All Charges
Dr. Henry Backe of the Orthopaedic Specialty Group of Fairfield, holds up a list of 66 pension plans that Bernard Madoff plundered. (STEPHEN DUNN)

Madoff Pleads Guilty To All Charges; Taken To Jail

Saying he was "deeply sorry and ashamed," Bernard Madoff pleaded guilty Thursday to pulling off perhaps the biggest swindle in Wall Street history and was immediately led off to jail in handcuffs to the applause of his seething victims in the courtroom. U.S. District Judge Denny Chin denied bail for Madoff, 70, and ordered him to jail.

Digital Photos Can't Escape Facebook

The rise of social networking sites such as Facebook and the ubiquitous cellphone camera have combined to create a society under surveillance. It's something a Glastonbury couple is learning the hard way.

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Everyone is Irish on March 17, so why not get prepared with our St. Patrick's Day guide, including photos, quizzes, event listings and more.


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Reader Poll The state legislature is grappling with whether to pay $475 million for a new hospital in Farmington, to replace the aging John Dempsey Hospital at the University of Connecticut Health Center.

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