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Current Issue: Vol. 135, No. 8, August 2009


CME: Original Article

  • Radiofrequency, High-Frequency, and Electrocautery Treatments vs Partial Inferior Turbinotomy: Microscopic and Macroscopic Effects on Nasal Mucosa
    Abstract | Full Text | CME Course

Original Articles

  • Transnasal Balloon Dilation of the Esophagus
    Abstract | Free Full Text
  • Prognostic Factors for Short-term Outcomes After Ossiculoplasty Using Multivariate Analysis With Logistic Regression
    Abstract | Full Text
  • Combination of Autologous Fascia Lata and Fat Injection Into the Vocal Fold via the Cricothyroid Gap for Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis
    Abstract | Full Text
  • Intranasal Localization of the Lacrimal Sac
    Abstract | Full Text
  • Regional Control of Melanoma Neck Node Metastasis After Selective Neck Dissection With or Without Adjuvant Radiotherapy
    Abstract | Full Text

Clinical Problem Solving: Radiology

Clinical Problem Solving: Pathology

Complete Table of Contents

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Call for Photographs: Archives of Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery Covers

Since many of our readers are excellent amateur photographers, we would appreciate submissions of choice photographs for possible publication on the print cover. Please send them in .jpg or .tif format to archoto{at} or mail them to the office.
