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Welcome Guest ! Tuesday, November 04, 2008
best seller

Designing Positive Behavior Support Plans

A timeless reference for school-based teams, community service providers, and parents supporting children with disabilities engaging in difficult behaviors.

Price: $21.95
Special Price: $18.66

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Assessing Problem Behaviors

An AAIDD bestseller, this guide provides step-by-step instructions on completing a functional assessment of common problem behaviors in classrooms, support living situations, and work settings.

Price: $21.95
Special Price: $18.66

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best seller

State of the State in Developmental Disabilities (Seventh Edition)
David Braddock, Richard Hemp, Mary Kay Rizzolo

The seventh edition of the well-known State of the States in Developmental Disabilities is thorough investigation on public spending, revenues, and programmatic trends of intellectual and developmental programs and services within the United States since 1977. This edition also documents recent reductions in disability support as the U.S. confronts an economic crisis.

Price: $59.95

more Recent Releases


Echelle d’intensité de soutien (Manuel de l'utilisateur et 25 formulaires d'entrevue et profil)
James R. Thompson et al.

La SIS-F est une échelle d'évaluation des besoins de soutien nécessaire à une personne pour participer à des situations et activités ciblées. La SIS-F est en service en plusieurs pays et en plusieurs langues.

Price: $125.00

more Recent Releases


Social Inclusion at Work
Janis Chadsey

A practical reference tells teachers, vocational and transitional specialists, job coaches, and other service providers how to socially integrate people with developmental disabilities into employment settings.

Price: $14.95

more Recent Releases


Positive Behavior Support Training Curriculum (Trainee Resource Guide-Second edition)
Dennis H. Reid, Marsha B. Parsons

Take-away Trainee Resource Guide summarizes 25 modules taught in the Positive Behavior Support Training Curriculum. Meant for trainee note-taking and reference. Customized AAIDD training workshops with author Dennis H. Reid now available!

Price: $10.95

more Recent Releases


Positive Behavior Support Training Curriculum (Second edition-2007)
Dennis H. Reid, Marsha B. Parsons

An excellent and proven training tool for supervisors and direct support staff. The new second edition of this best-selling Curriculum is known to create a culture of respect and dignity in service organizations. Customized AAIDD training workshops with author Dennis H. Reid now available!

Price: $395.00

more Recent Releases

best seller

Supports Intensity Scale (Manual and 25 forms)

A state-of-the-art assessment tool to measure the daily supports required by a person with an intellectual and developmental disability to live in community settings. Currently adopted by 14 North American states and provinces.

Price: $125.00

more Best Sellers


Designing Positive Behavior Support Plans

A timeless reference for school-based teams, community service providers, and parents supporting children with disabilities engaging in difficult behaviors.

Price: $21.95
Special Price: $18.66

more Best Sellers


Assessing Problem Behaviors

An AAIDD bestseller, this guide provides step-by-step instructions on completing a functional assessment of common problem behaviors in classrooms, support living situations, and work settings.

Price: $21.95
Special Price: $18.66

more Best Sellers


Mental Retardation: Definition, Classification and Systems of Supports

The AAIDD definition is a complete reference on understanding what mental retardation is, diagnosing the condition, and planning a customized, supports needs profile for an individual.

Price: $79.95

more Best Sellers


Book, Workbook, and Forms Set: Mental Retardation: Definition, Classification and Systems of Supports

This volume, the companion workbook, and forms, contain everything needed to incorporate the AAIDD definition system into existing programs.

Price: $122.95

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