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Renewable and Alternative Fuels Basics 101           

Renewable energy resources are naturally replenished in a relatively short period of time. They include biomass, hydropower, geothermal energy, wind energy, and solar energy. In 2005, about 6% of all energy consumed, and about 9% of total electricity production was from renewable energy sources. Alternative transportation fuels are fuels used for transportation other than gasoline or diesel. Some alternative transportation fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, are renewable while others, such as propane and natural gas, are non-renewable.

Not Just for Kids -- on the Energy Kid's Page

Solar Energy
Biomass Energy
Wind Energy
Geothermal Energy
Hydro Power and Ocean Energy

Renewable Energy and Alternative Fuels Data
Alternative Fueled Vehicles (ATF) and ATF Fuel Use
Ethanol Data and Analysis
Monthly Ethanol Production and Stocks
Renewable Energy Trends
<empty> State Renewable Electricity Profiles

Consumer Information
A Guide to Renewable Energy Sources

Overview Discussions
Municipal Solid Waste
Renewable Energy Overview
Wood and Wood Waste

bar chart showing breakdown of renewables consumption by type in each sector