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  The Unfinished Revolution  

The patriots of the American Revolution hoped that their experiment in government by the people would serve as an example for others around the world. From France in 1789 to Haiti in 1804, through the Latin American revolutions of the 19th century and the European year of revolution in 1848, and on into the 20th century, this has indeed been the case.

In another sense, the Revolution was unfinished because the ringing statement of equal rights contained in the Declaration of Independence did not immediately apply to all Americans. Over more than 200 years, women, African Americans, and others have cited the Declaration in their struggles for equality of opportunity.

Find out why the Revolution continues to have meaning today.


  "All Men Are Created Equal"
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The power of an idea...    
  The War of 1812
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A second war of independence?    
  The Odyssey of Black Loyalists
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These refugees scattered across the Atlantic world...    
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  Last Updated: Tuesday, 27-Apr-2004 11:35
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