Prologue Magazine

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Summer 2006: Vol. 38, No. 2

detail of Fort Worth Interstate interchange Ike's Interstates at 50
Young Dwight Eisenhower's views on the importance of good roads later served as a catalyst in creating today's half-century-old interstate highway system.
detail of White House stationery Reclaiming Pieces of Camelot
A complicated legal trail led to the recovery of many long-missing papers and artifacts from John F. Kennedy's years in the White House and Congress.
Cadet at USMA archives NARA's Oldest Partnerships: Affiliated Archives
Some of the holdings of the National Archives are actually stored and made accessible right where they were created and are mostly frequently used.

Table of Contents

Prologue in Perspective: Strictly Unclassified: Some Thoughts on Secrecy and Openness
Allen Weinstein

Revisiting Vietnam: Conference at Kennedy Library Examines Effect of the War on the Presidency
Thomas Putnam

Ike's Interstates at 50: Anniversary of the Highway System Recalls Eisenhower's Role as Catalyst
David A. Pfeiffer

Ailing Hospitals: Correspondence Reveals History of the Freedmen's Bureau Medical Division
Jim Downs

Reclaiming Pieces of Camelot: How NARA and the JFK Library Recovered Missing Kennedy Documents, Artifacts
James M. Roth

Eyewitness: American Originals from the National Archives
Stacey Bredhoff

Spotlight on NARA: NARA's Oldest Partnerships: Affiliated Archives
Diane Vogt-O'Connor

Genealogy Notes: Native Americans in the Census, 1860–1890
James P. Collins

Authors on the Record: Mushers in the Military

Foundation for the National Archives

Pieces of History: The Influenza Epidemic of 1918

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Articles published in Prologue do not necessarily represent the views of NARA or of any other agency of the United States Government.

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Summer 2006 cover

Genealogy Notes

Native Americans in the Census, 1860–1890

document thumbnail

Native Americans show up in censuses earlier than commonly thought.

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Prologue in Perspective

Declassified stamp Strictly Unclassified: Some Thoughts on Secrecy and Openness By Allen Weinstein
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