The Congressional Fire Services Caucus
is the largest caucus in Congress with over 320 members. Founded by Congressman Curt Weldon in 1987, the Caucus unites Republicans and Democrats in support of fire service legislation that benefits all first responders. Becoming a member does not require taking positions on legislation; rather Caucus members are asked to pledge support in a way that best benefits fire departments in their respective Congressional Districts.

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Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act

On February 25, 2009, Congressman Jim Langevin (RI-2) was joined by 55 members of the House of Representatives in reintroducing the Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act, H.R. 1194.  The legislation creates tax incentives for property owners to retrofit buildings with automatic fire sprinkler systems.  The legislation would reduce the tax depreciation on the sprinkler systems in nonresidential real property from 39 years to only five years.  In addition, the benefits of this legislation would include lower local fire department costs, increased loan activity, reduced insurance claims and premium costs, and increased retrofitting and installation jobs.

CFSI's National Advisory Committee passed a unanimous resolution in support of a tax incentive for the retrofit of fire sprinklers at the fall meeting of 2002. Legislation to achieve this objective was first introduced in April of 2003.  

To View Current Legislation CLICK HERE


The Senate

The House of Representatives

7/1/2009 - 10:00AM
Technology and Innovation Subcommittee (Chairman Wu, D-Ore.) of House Science and Technology Committee will hold a hearing on a grant program for firefighting.

Witnesses Scheduled

Timothy Manning - deputy administrator, National Preparedness Directorate, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Homeland Security Department
Jeffrey D. Johnson - vice president, International Association of Fire Chiefs, and chief, Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue Department
Jack Carriger - first vice chairman, National Volunterr Fire Council, and chief, Stayon, Oregon Fire District
Kevin O'Connor - assistant to the general president, International Association of Fire Fighters
Curt Varone - division manager, Public Fire Protection Division, National Fire Protection Association




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