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You are here:Home The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Open printable version in a new window Bookmark and Share

What's New

NEW Webinars on the 1201c Reporting Process

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) requires that every contractor that receives ARRA funds must post a notice of rights and remedies available to whistleblowers. (Title XV, Subtitle A, Section 1553(e)). Contact the Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General’s office (OIG) if you have questions, http://www.oig.dot.gov/contact.jsp.

NEW OMB Webinars on the 1512 Reporting Process: Webinars were recorded and made available for viewing at www.whitehouse.gov/recovery/webinartrainingmaterials.

NEW OMB has published new guidance on Section 1512 reporting and other ARRA related issues.  It can be found at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/recovery_faqs/

Important Deadlines
ARRA Overview

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 2009 (ARRA) [Pub. L. 111-5] was signed into law by President Barack Obama on February 17, 2009.  ARRA includes appropriations and tax law changes totaling approximately $787 billion to support government wide efforts to stimulate the economy.  Goals of the statute include the preservation or creation of jobs and the promotion of an economic recovery, as well as the investment in transportation, environmental protection and other infrastructure providing long-term economic benefits.

Over $48 billion will be invested in transportation infrastructure, including $8.4 billion for transit capital improvements made available through FTA programs.  In addition, transit may benefit from flexible funding transferred from highway program allocations as well as discretionary allocations under a $1.5 billion multimodal program administered by the Secretary of Transportation.   FTA has published formula apportionments, discretionary allocations, or notices of funding availability for the entire $8.4 billion appropriated for transit programs. 

Technical Questions? Need Further Assistance?  Review the information on this site or contact your FTA Regional Office.

"Pie Chart representing distribution of ARRA Funds - 8.74%, Funds Awarded - 81.59% and Pending Review and Approval - 9.67%.  Funds Obligated:  FTA has awarded 624 grants totaling $6.7 billion. A total of 80 grants valued at $794.8 Million are undergoing review and pending award for a potential total of 704 grant awards valued at $7.5 billion dollars. Note: Pie chart does not include FHWA funds transferred to FTA."           Major Milestones\Deadlines for ARRA Formula Grants

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