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Archive for the ‘Public Health’ Category

Express Outreach Award Application Deadline Approaching

Monday, July 20th, 2009

Just a reminder that August 3 is the deadline for applications for NN/LM SE/A express outreach award. We moved the due date to Monday to give those needing a few more hours time to complete their applications.

If you have questions, please contact the SE/A office.

Traveling Art Exhibit on Rural Health Care

Friday, July 10th, 2009

From the latest edition of the AMA’s Health Care Careers e-Letter.

Traveling art exhibit on rural health care The Vision Project (PDF) is seeking funding and sites for a traveling art exhibition on rural health care, focusing on the Mississippi Delta region. The exhibition will include photographs with text, a video documentary, an optional multimedia booth, and panel discussions focusing on health care issues. Universities, education centers, and community organizations throughout the United States are invited to participate.

For more information, contact Rick Falco

New Look for

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

Hathy Simpson, MPH Content Developer
National Network of Libraries of Medicine
New England Region (NN/LM NER)
University of Massachusetts Medical School (Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce)

The Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce website,, has been revised to make public health information easier to find and to highlight public health news and resources.

PHPartners is a collaboration of U.S. government agencies, public health organizations, and health science libraries which provides timely, convenient access to selected resources on the Internet.

Revisions to include:

  • Access to public health topic pages from the left frame of every page:

Environmental Health
Workforce Development

  • Access to main topics from the left frame of every page:

Health Promotion and Health Education
Literature and Guidelines
Health Data Tools and Statistics
Grants and Funding
Education and Training
Legislation and Policy
Conferences and Meetings
Finding People
Discussion and E-mail Lists
Jobs and Careers

  • Public Health News in center of the home page.
  • In the Spotlight section to highlight links of particular interest to the public health workforce. Selected spotlight links will rotate on a weekly basis.
  • Featured Resources on the right frame of the home page.
  • What’s New on on the home page allows users to keep up-to-date with news and new resources posted on by subscribing to the PHPartners email list or RSS news feed.

The PHPartners team wants to hear feedback on the look and usability of Please submit your feedback and comments to Lisa Sedlar,, and Hathy Simpson, Users can also submit feedback using the Contact Us link on the About Partners page.

American Dental Association Launches Evidence-Based Dentistry Web Site

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Initial database features over 1300 systematic reviews

The American Dental Association (ADA) announces the launching of, the Web site dedicated to evidenced-based dentistry (EBD). allows easy and quick access to a database of systematic reviews of oral health clinical information from one centralized location.

EBD, according to the ADA, is an approach to oral health care that requires the judicious integration of systematic assessments of clinically relevant scientific evidence, relating to the patient’s oral and medical condition and history, with the dentist’s clinical expertise and the patient’s treatment needs and preferences.

Supported by a grant from the National Library of Medicine and the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research (grant number G08 LM008956), also features critical summaries of systematic reviews that assess information within systematic reviews in a concise format so that health care workers can incorporate scientific evidence in clinical decision making.

For the complete News Release, please click here.

Keep Current with enhancements to Maryland Health -> Go Local

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

Maryland Health -> Go Local is a statewide web-based directory of health services and programs designed to improve public access to health services, programs, and information. The Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HS/HSL), University of Maryland, Baltimore partnered with the National Library of Medicine to create this valuable resource. On the second anniversary of Maryland Health -> Go Local, the Library is presenting a new blog, Maryland Health -> Go Local eUpdate (, containing updates, news, and information about project developments and activities.

eUpdate includes a Featured Site which highlights a different program or service each month; and By the Numbers, which provides monthly statistics, including how many people visited Maryland Health -> Go Local and how many pages were viewed. It also allows you to request a speaker or training session, suggest a resource, or provide us with a testimonial about how Maryland Health -> Go Local helped you.

Stay informed! Add Maryland Health ->Go Local eUpdate to your RSS reader! Copy this URL to your favorite reader:

Medpedia: a free online technology platform is collaborative, interdisciplinary and transparent

Monday, February 23rd, 2009


Medpedia is just getting started. It is a long term project and is not yet a comprehensive resource. Medpedia is applying a new collaborative model to the collection, sharing and advancement of medical knowledge that, over time, will produce the world’s most comprehensive resource.

The Medpedia Project and is maintained by Medpedia Inc., a brainchild of Ooga Labs, a technology greenhouse in San Francisco. It is produced in association with Harvard Medical School, Stanford School of Medicine, Berkeley School of Public Health, University of Michigan Medical School and other leading global health organizations. Medpedia will be a commons for the gathering of the information and people critical to health care. Many organizations have united to support The Medpedia Project.

Medpedia is for use by both medical professionals and non-professionals. Its intended uses and benefits include:

  • Knowledge sharing and communications tool for people with similar medical interests
  • Source of insight and new knowledge for medical professionals
  • Historical repository for real-world discussions of medical topics of interest
  • Up-to-date news of the latest developments in medicine

Tennessee Go Local

Thursday, February 19th, 2009


Visit Go Local Tennessee, one of the latest Go Local sites. Go Local connects users with local health services. To find local resources, you can go straight to your local area or use the Go Local link on a MedlinePlus Health Topic Page.


Their featured resource this week is Tennessee’s Disability Pathfinder, which provides information and assistance to individuals of all ages and all disabilities, family members, and interested persons in the community. Information includes a statewide bilingual HELPline, website featuring a database of agency services, state and national website resources on various disability topics and a disability events calendar. A project of the Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities and the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. CALL 800.640.INFO (4636)

Online Spanish Language Health Guides and Resources

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

by Beth Wescott, editor, SEA Currents,

Diabetes Resource for Spanish Speakers is a social networking site in Spanish dedicated to people of all ages with diabetes condition, and to the parents of children with diabetes. The main purpose is to share experiences in dealing with the disease, as well as to share with others information about diabetes. The site also provides breaking news on diabetes.

Office of Minority (OMH)/Oficina de Salud de las Minorías offers Spanish-language health information on a wide range of health topics, a profile about the health of Hispanic Americans, and health news. OMH is part of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).


MedlinePlus Información de Salud de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina es un portal médico informativo. Contiene guías, enciclopedia, tutoriales interactivos, así como novedades y noticias sobre temas relacionados. Véase también el primer número de la revista NIH MedlinePlus Salud ya está en línea. ¡Visítela!

Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Library Knowledge Path: Spanish-Language Health Resources

This guide, or knowledge path, has been compiled by the Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University. It points to current, high-quality Spanish-language health resources for health professionals and consumers. The first section presents general resources that cover a wide range of health topics, while the second section lists resources that focus on specific aspects of maternal and child health.

Spanish-Language Health Guides for Workers Older Than 50 …

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has two checklists to help workers stay healthy at 50+. The checklists help answer questions about what daily steps can be taken for good health, whether one needs medicines to prevent disease, and which screening tests are needed and when to get them. “Mujeres: sigan sanas después de los 50″ and “Hombres: sigan sanos después de los 50,” are available at and, respectively. The wall chart, “Seguir sanos después de los 50,” is available at


The Children’s Health Fund is committed to providing health care to the nation’s most medically underserved children and their families, in part, by creating low-literacy health education materials to assist children and their families in learning about a variety of health related topics. Their culturally relevant booklets and brochures are available in English and Spanish.


The Hesperian Foundation, a non-profit publisher of books and newsletters for community-based health care, has recently published two titles in Spanish: Un manual de salud para mujeres con discapacidad, the Spanish version of A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities and Helping Children Who are Deaf, Ayudar a los nios sordos. Packed with simple activities, this book is a great resource for parents, caregivers, health promoters, and others in teaching children who do not hear well how to communicate to the best of his or her ability. Both titles can be downloaded and purchased from their new Spanish website and the online library with free downloads

FDA’s Medical Product Safety Network (MedSun): Shining a Light on Medical Product Safety

Friday, January 9th, 2009

MedSun provides a representative profile of reports from healthcare facilities, such as hospitals. MedSun improves understanding of medical device problems so FDA, healthcare facilities, clinicians, and manufacturers can better address safety concerns. Over 350 health care facilities, primarily hospitals, participate in the network. MedSun is unique because it educates health care professionals about the importance of monitoring, being aware of, and reporting device related problems to FDA and the manufacturer.

MedSun also ensures that new safety information is rapidly communicated to the medical community thereby promoting patient safety.

The MedSun Subnetworks


HeartNet: Focuses on identifying, understanding, and solving problems with medical devices used in electrophysiology laboratories.


HomeNet: Focuses on identifying, understanding, and solving problems with medical devices used in the home environment; also focuses on issues related to labeling, training, and servicing problematic devices.


KidNet: Focuses on identifying, understanding, and solving problems with medical devices used in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units.


LabNet: Focuses on promoting awareness of medical devices in hospital laboratories and reporting identified problems to FDA’s Office of In Vitro Diagnostics.


SightNet: Focuses on adverse events observed with ophthalmic medical devices used in providing all levels of eye care.


Tissue and Cell: Focuses on identifying issues related to biological products, specifically cells and tissues, such as bones and ligaments. This subnetwork is run in conjunction with FDA’s Center for Biologics and Research (CBER).

These subnetworks are designed to collect and share information about actual and potential adverse events from specific clinical areas of MedSun facilities using high-risk products.

The content that FDA produces is not copyrighted. Stories can be reprinted without permission and copies can be downloaded and displayed free of charge. Editors wishing to use MedSun’s material in publication are asked to please acknowledge MedSun as the source and send copies of stories to

Subscribe to Email Updates at service/subscribe.html?code=USFDA_65

For questions contact Tina Powell at 1-800-859-1292 or email at:

2009 Public Health Preparedness Summit

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008 CFTOKEN=48417005

Public health preparedness professionals from across the nation will share innovative best practices, tools, and resources to help you build and sustain your community’s capacity to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a public health emergency or disaster.

The Summit will be held at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina.

Phone: 866-716-8130 • Fax: (619) 692-2337

Special Offers Reservations (866)-716-8130

Contact Information: Call the registration department at 703-964-1240 or email
