USGS: Science for a changing world

NETPATH--An Interactive Code For Modeling Net Geochemical Reactions Along a Flow Path



Bullet NETPATH Abstract
Bullet NETPATH Instructions For NetpathXL (Windows Excel version)
Bullet NETPATH Information and Installation Instructions For DOS version
Bullet NETPATH Installation Instructions For Linux version
Bullet NETPATH Release notes for Linux version


New Bullet Windows NetpathXL--NETPATH using Excel for data input--Version 1.1-2769 (3.8M): .msi install file
Bullet DOS version 2.13: Executable, source, data base files, examples, Postscript documentation (1.0M)
Bullet Linux version 2.15-2113: Executable, source, data base files, examples, PDF (1.7M)
Bullet Postscript Documentation (Already included in Dos and Unix versions 2.13) (0.7M)
Bullet PDF Documentation (Already included in Dos and Unix versions 2.13) (0.7M)


Bullet NetpathXL PDF
Bullet Netpath PDF


Bullet Your Comments/Bug Reports

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