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Chemical Agents

The following are links to drug information related to Chemical Agents:

  • Atropen (atropine autoinjector).  FDA has approved new dosage forms of the Atropen for use in children and adolescents exposed to certain nerve agents or insecticides. The Atropen has been approved since 1973 for use in adults.  FDA Talk Paper  (Posted 6/20/2003) 

  • Pyridostigmine bromide. FDA has approved pyridostigmine bromide to increase survival after exposure to Soman "nerve gas" poisoning. The product is approved for combat use by United States military personnel. (Posted 2/5/2003)

  • Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL).  FDA has cleared for use by the U.S. military a liquid decontamination lotion intended to remove or neutralize chemical warfare agents and T-2 fungal toxin from the skin.  FDA News  (Issued 3/28/2003)