United States Patent & Trademark Office
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  Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR)
  • Display issued or published patent application status.
  • Access public application image file wrapper, including: patents, published application documents and applications to which a patented or published application claims domestic priority.
  • Private PAIR for Registered customers provides secure access to your pending application documents.
      Public PAIR >
      Private PAIR >
  • Search class/subclass combinations associated with each Group Art Unit for patent examination purposes.
      GAU - Class/Subclass Search >

  Patent Electronic Filing
  • Electronic Patent Filing for Unregistered eFilers.
  • Electronic Patent Filing for Registered eFilers using assigned Customer Number and a Digital Certificate for secure access to application documents.
      eFile (Unregistered) >
      eFile (Registered) >

  Trademark Document Retrieval (TDR)
  • Displays the electronic file wrapper of U.S. Trademark applications and Extensions of Protection, and U.S. Trademark Registrations.
  • Displays information contained in the USPTO records regarding International Registrations and applications for International Registration filed under the Madrid system through the U.S.
      TDR >
  • Enter multiple U S Registration numbers and print or download the U S Registration Certificates in a single file.
      U S Registration certificates >

  Other eBusiness Applications

  • Search for USPTO employees by name, telephone number or organization.
      Employee Locator >

  • Find more USPTO eBusiness applications.
      USPTO Electronic Business Center >