Bookshelf » Citing Medicine » Appendixes » Appendix F: Notes for Citing MEDLINE® /PubMed®
Citing Medicine
Karen Patrias1
National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20894
National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20894
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
bibliographic citation

Appendix F: Notes for Citing MEDLINE® /PubMed®

Created: October 10, 2007.
Last Update: January 14, 2009.

Citing Medicine rules follow the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) recommendations. NLM practice does not always follow NISO standards in MEDLINE/PubMed citations for a variety of reasons.

The following are exceptions to NISO standards and Citing Medicine for nine citation elements found in Chapter 1A Journal Articles and Chapter 23A Journal Articles on the Internet.

1. For Author


MEDLINE/PubMed does not:

Return to Chapter 1. Journals / A. Journal Articles / Author, or

Chapter 23. Journals on the Internet / A. Journal Articles on the Internet / Author

2. For Author Affiliation


MEDLINE/PubMed does not:

Return to Chapter 1. Journals / A. Journal Articles / Author Affiliation, or

Chapter 23. Journals on the Internet / A. Journal Articles on the Internet / Author Affiliation

3. For Article Title


Return to Chapter 1. Journals / A. Journal Articles / Article Title, or

Chapter 23. Journals on the Internet / A. Journal Articles on the Internet / Article Title

4. For Article Type

Return to Chapter 1. Journals / A. Journal Articles / Article Type, or

Chapter 23. Journals on the Internet / A. Journal Articles on the Internet / Article Type

5. For Journal Title (Journal Title Abbreviation)

After NLM establishes an abbreviation for a title, it usually stays that way in MEDLINE/PubMed, even if the rules change. You may see contradictory abbreviations for some words in titles; for example:

Return to Chapter 1. Journals / A. Journal Articles / Journal Title, or

Chapter 23. Journals on the Internet / A. Journal Articles on the Internet / Journal Title

6. For Edition

After NLM establishes an abbreviation for a title with an edition, the abbreviation usually stays that way in MEDLINE/PubMed, even if the rules change. You may see contradictory abbreviations for some titles with editions; for example:

Return to Chapter 1. Journals / A. Journal Articles / Edition, or

Chapter 23. Journals on the Internet / A. Journal Articles on the Internet / Edition

7. For Type of Medium

Return to Chapter 1. Journals / A. Journal Articles / Type of Medium, or

Chapter 23. Journals on the Internet / A. Journal Articles on the Internet / Type of Medium

8. For Physical Description

Return to Chapter 1. Journals / A. Journal Articles / Physical Description, or

9. For Language

Return to Chapter 1. Journals / A. Journal Articles / Language, or

Chapter 23. Journals on the Internet / A. Journal Articles on the Internet / Language

10. For Location (Pagination or Notes)

Return to Chapter 23. Journals on the Internet / A. Journal Articles on the Internet / Location (Pagination), or Chapter 23. Journals on the Internet / A. Journal Articles on the Internet / Notes.

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