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Region I

Serving CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT

Maine is Pilot State for BETA launch of Riverine Flood Risk Management Tool Website

Eleanor Jewitt explains Riverine Tool to Maine EMA staff.


The Maine Emergency Management Agency invited the FEMA Region I team that developed the Riverine Flood Risk Management Tool present a workshop, and launch the BETA version of the site, to a group of Maine emergency management professionals on February 6, 2009.  Full Story

Prepare Now For Spring Flooding

truck driving in flooded street Flooding is a year-round threat in New England. Many conditions can cause flooding, including ice jams, rapid snowmelt or excessive rainfall. Take steps now to prepare your home and property against this hazard. (More Info)

Connecticut School Celebrates Student Preparedness

preparedness poster drawn by a student

Friday, February 13th was a big day for the 5th graders of Thompson Brook School. Students were culminating an important emergency preparedness program called STEP: Student Tools for Emergency Planning at their school assembly. The program offers a ready-to-teach preparedness lesson that empowers students to encourage their families to make home emergency kits and communications plans. (More Info)

What We Do

From its offices in Boston, FEMA's Region I works in partnership with the emergency management agencies of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. Region I's most common challenges are hurricanes and other storms that can cause flooding and flash-flooding throughout the region, and severe winter weather.

Who We Are

Boston, Mass. - FEMA's Region I office serves the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. FEMA/Brian Hvinden

Region I Contact Information
State Offices and Agencies of Emergency Management

Last Modified: Friday, 10-Jul-2009 10:44:43 EDT