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Non-English Guides to PubMed®

PubMed is available at:

Also, visit BabelMeSH, a collection of multi-language Search engines for MEDLINE/PubMed, and PICO Linguist, searching MEDLINE/PubMed for PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) results

For additional health resources in other languages, visit the NN/LM Other Language Resources page

Topics on this page:

French / Français

German / Deutsch

Italian / Italiano

Japanese / 日本語

Norwegian / Norsk

Portuguese / Português

Russian / Русский

Spanish / Español

Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt

To add to and update materials on this page, please contact Holly Ann Burt, Outreach and Exhibits Coordinator NN/LM-GMR. Email Holly .