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About the National Dam Safety Program

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For 30 years, the Federal Government has been working to protect Americans from dam failure through the National Dam Safety Program (NDSP). The NDSP, which is led by FEMA, is a partnership of the states, federal agencies, and other stakeholders to encourage individual and community responsibility for dam safety.

The NDSP, which was formally established by the Water Resources and Development Act of 1996, includes:

The Dam Safety and Security Act of 2002, signed into law on December 2, 2002, reauthorized the NDSP for 4 more years and added enhancements to the 1996 Act that are designed to safeguard dams against terrorist attacks.

NDSP Public Laws

Last Modified: Tuesday, 30-Jun-2009 21:29:46 EDT

Fast Facts

NDSP Biennial Report
Fiscal Years 2006 and 2007

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