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Office of Advocacy - The voice for small business in the Federal Government and the source for small business

Annual Report of the Chief Counsel for Advocacy
on Implementation of the Regulatory Flexibility Act


    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612) requires federal agencies to consider the effects of their regulatory actions on small businesses and other small entities and to minimize any undue disproportionate burden. The chief counsel for advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration is charged with monitoring federal agencies' compliance with the act and with submitting an annual report to Congress.

Report for fiscal year 2008      [html], [text] or [PDF File]
Research Summary FY 2008

Report for fiscal year 2007      [html], [text] or [PDF File]
Research Summary FY 2007

Report for fiscal year 2006      [html], [text] or [PDF File]
Research Summary FY 2006
Report for fiscal year 2005      [html], [text] or [PDF File]
Research Summary FY 2005

Report for fiscal year 2004      [html], [text] or [PDF File]
Research Summary FY 2004
Report for fiscal year 2003      [html], [text] or [PDF File]
Executive Summary FY 2003
Report for fiscal year 2002      [html], [text] or [PDF File]
Executive Summary FY 2002
Report for fiscal year 2001      [html], [text] or [PDF File]
Research Bulletin FY 2001
Report for fiscal year 2000      [html], [text] or [PDF File]
Report for fiscal year 1999      [html], [text] or [PDF File]
Report for calendar year 1998
[html], [text] or [PDF File]
Report for calendar year 1997
[html], [text] or [PDF File]
Report for calendar year 1996
[html], [text] or [PDF File]
Report for calendar year 1995
[html], [text Zipped] or [PDF File]

For PDF versions, you will need to have a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader software (for Macintosh or Windows) in order to read and print this version: the software is available for free from Adobe Systems, Inc.

As a printed volume, or on microfiche. You can purchase copies in these media from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, telephone (703) 605-6000. (TDD: (703) 605-6043)

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