NOPP-National Oceanographic Partnership Program
Promoting Partnerships for the Future of Oceanography
The National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) is a collaboration of federal agencies to provide leadership and coordination of national oceanographic research and education initiatives.
Collage of photos set in a compass
NOPP facilitates interactions among federal agencies, academia and industry; increases visibility for ocean issues on the national agenda; and achieves a higher level of coordinated effort across the broad oceanographic community. The goals of the NOPP Strategic Plan are to:

1) Achieve and sustain an Integrated Ocean Observing
System (IOOS);

2) Promote lifelong ocean education;

3) Modernize ocean infrastructure and enhance technology development; and

4) Foster interagency partnerships to increase and apply scientific knowledge.

Through NOPP, the public and private sectors are brought together to support larger, more comprehensive projects, to promote sharing of resources, and to foster community-wide innovative advances in ocean science, technology, and education. On average, 11 new projects are started each year. Since 1997, NOPP has invested more than $295M to support 135 research and education projects involving more than 200 public and private institutions. A comparable amount of in-kind support has been committed by the research and education community. View NOPP Investment Profiles by clicking

To obtain more information on NOPP, please click on the following link:
NOPP Overview
NOPP-Supported Ocean Community
NOPP Research Highlighted!
ORRAP releases its transition document
to the new Administration
The Interagency Working Group on Ocean Partnerships (IWG-OP) Strategic Plan is now available.
Award Recipients
(click on photo for full-sized image)
DECAF, a NOPP funded project, now has its own website.
The Federal Oceanographic Fleet Status Report, prepared by the IWG on Facilities, can be read here.
The Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology (JSOST) releases the Ocean Research Priorities Plan.
 NOPP committee releases report on maximizing the impact of research investments
Click here to read the report.
Other Items

View the NOPP 10-Year Strategic Plan
Click for the NOPP Strategic Plan
Photo of sunset over ocean
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Copyright 2001-09, Consortium for Ocean Leadership
The National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) is a collaboration of federal agencies to provide leadership and coordination of national oceanographic research and education initiatives.