Attention Deficit Disorder Associaiton - The World's LEading Adult AD/HD Organization

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Position Statements

Questions You Can Ask Your Physician

ADDA's Weekly Blog

AD/HD in the News

Breaking News

New AD/HD and Addictions Articles

Conference tapes now available for purchase.

ADDA eNewsletter

To obtain your People of Color Conference Certificate of Attendance, click here

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AD/HD Diagnosis


AD/HD (ASRS) Adult Self Report Screener

New Principles for Diagnosis and Treatment of AD/HD

CFC A Proud Participant in the Combined Federal Campaign
ADDA's CFC Designation Code is 11589

Click Here for more information on
8th Annual People of Color
Mental Health Conference

"Minding the Mind through Mind, Body and Spirit"
Saturday, November 7, 2009, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Delaware Technical & Community College
333 Shipley Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801

click me

Welcome to the Attention Deficit Disorder Association website! In order to make the site more relevant and user-friendly for the adult ADHD audience we are currently in the midst of a complete website redesign. Our goal is to improve the website experience for both our members and visitors.

Unfortunately, despite our careful planning, what we hoped to be a smooth transfer has turned into a logistical nightmare. ADDA values your membership and appreciates your patience and tolerance during this challenging transition. We know how much this site means to so many of you and are working as quickly as possible to rectify the situation. Watch for the changeover and thank you for your understanding.

Click here for more detailed information the changes you can look forward to with the unveiling of the new!


Looking for Support?

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Become a member.  Click here for a list of member benefits.

Attend an event

Learn more about adult & adolescent ADHD and its management.


Looking for Information on AD/HD?

Search for articles on:

Organization and time management

AD/HD and the Workplace

AD/HD in Relationships

AD/HD Treatment Advances

Or read about AD/HD FAQs (also available in Spanish TDA/HPreguntas Más Frequentes)


Want to Help?

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All contents copyrighted © 1996-2006 Attention Deficit Disorder Association.
Articles may be copied for personal, noncommercial use.