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Decision Forest

Decision Forest is a novel pattern-recognition method which can be used to analyze:

  • DNA microarray data
  • Surface-Enhanced Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry  (SELDI-TOF-MS) data 
  • Structure-Activity Relation (SAR) data

System Setup Checklist 

Step 1:  Verify that Java Running Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.4.0 or later is installed on your PC. JRE and JDK may be downloaded from Sun Developer Network (SDN)

Step 2:  Verify that java.exe is on your Path environment variable by following the steps below. If you experience difficulties, your system administrator may be able to help you.  

  • Click "Start" in the lower left-hand corner of your screen and then "Run" in the expanded list. 
  • Type "java" in the new window next to the command prompt and click "OK." 
  • You are ready to use Decision Forest if you see the following text after clicking "OK."     

    Usage:  java [-options] class [args...]
    (to execute a class)
    or java [-options] -jar jarfile [args]
    (to execute a jar file) 

Please seek help from your system administrator if you do not see the text listed above. 

Installation Instructions

Step 1:  Save the forest.zip file to your local machine. In most browsers you can right-click and choose "Save As" to save the file to your hard drive. 

Step 2:  Unzip forest.zip to any directory. 

Step 3:  Double-click on the file named "run.bat" in the directory where the unzipped files were saved.  This will launch Decision Forest. 

Help Manual 

The Quick Start Manual for Decision Forest is available for downloading. 

Contact Information 

Please address any questions and suggestions to Dr. Weida Tong at 870-543-7142 or weida.tong@fda.hhs.gov.  

For technical assistance or to report problems with Decision Forest, please send an e-mail to NCTRArrayTrackSupport@nctr.fda.gov

Decision Forest is a product designed and produced by the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR).  FDA and NCTR retain ownership of this product.



Contact Us

  • 870-543-7130
  • National Center for Toxicological Research

    Food and Drug Administration

    3900 NCTR Road

    Jefferson, AR 72079
