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A Typical Spring Month: April 2009 Overview

Dr. David A. Robinson
NJ State Climatologist
May 5, 2009

A typical April day in New Jersey is often perceived as one with sunshine, mild temperatures, and perhaps a stray shower added to the mix. In reality, April is a month of wild weather swings, often within several days, occasionally in several hours! April 2009 was quite typical in that department. Only a few snow flurries fell on the 8th, however temperatures fell below freezing as late as the 24th. Coastal areas were wet, while below-average precipitation fell in the northwest. Thunderstorms rumbled on five days, with hail reported on three of those days. Winds exceeded 40 mph on eleven days at one or more locations. The last week brought a four-day 90° heat wave to much of the state, one of the longer such April events on record.

Yet in spite of the wide swings in weather, the monthly statewide mean temperature of 51.9° was just 1.4° above average. Without the heat wave, the month would have been about a degree below average (assuming those days had been close to average). Of course those four days cannot be discounted, thus April 2009 checks in as the 28th warmest of the past 115 years.


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