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Food Safety for Moms-To-Be

Food Safety for Moms-To-Be            Seguridad alimentaria para futuras mamás

Welcome! We're glad you're here because foodborne illness is a serious health risk for pregnant women and their unborn babies. You'll find accurate, easy-to-understand information about foodborne illness.

Seguridad alimentaria para futuras mamás

¡Bienvenida a nuestro sitio! Las enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos constituyen un grave riesgo para la salud de las mujeres embarazadas y de sus bebés no nacidos. Aquí encontrará información precisa y fácil de entender sobre dichas enfermedades.

(In English and Spanish / En inglés y español)



Here you'll find top line points about food safety during pregnancy. It's a great reminder of ways to keep you and your baby safe!
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En español >

Before You're Pregnant

Thinking about becoming pregnant? Before the test is positive, here's how to give your baby a healthy start!
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En español >

While You're Pregnant

Congratulations - you're pregnant! Here are answers to your frequently-asked questions about foodborne illness.
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En español >

Safe Eats

Is sushi safe? What about "smoothies?" This easy-to-use section provides a food-by-food guide to selecting, preparing, and eating foods safely.
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En español >

Lifelong Food Safety

Good food safety practices are important during your pregnancy and for a lifetime! This section shows you how to prevent foodborne illness in four easy steps: Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill.
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En español >


Entertaining All Year - Enjoy social events while keeping your unborn baby safe from foodborne bacteria.
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En español >


Contact Us

  • 1-888-SAFEFOOD
  • 1-888-723-3366
  • Outreach and Information Center (HFS-009)



    Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

    Food and Drug Administration

    5100 Paint Branch Parkway

    College Park, MD 20740
