Coalition forces disrupt a roadside bomb network in Kandahar
U.S. Forces - Afghanistan

Press Release

United States Forces-Afghanistan

January 30, 2009

Release Number 20093001-01

Coalition forces disrupt a roadside bomb network in Kandahar

KABUL, Afghanistan - Coalition forces killed four militants and detained eight suspected militants during operations to disrupt Taliban bomb makers and militants in Kandahar Thursday.

In Arghandab District, just outside Kandahar proper, the operation targeted a Taliban operator known to have employed roadside bombs aimed against Afghan National Police and Coalition forces.

When Coalition forces reached the compound where the Taliban member was located, armed militants engaged the Coalition force with small arms fire.  Militants barricaded themselves in a building endangering the women and children on the compound. Coalition forces precisely engaged the barricaded militants after they refused to surrender, while safeguarding the women and children.

Other suspected militants on the compound followed Coalition forces' instructions to surrender and were detained without incident.

A building damaged by the militants was deemed unsafe for occupants by the Coalition force.  After removing women and children a safe distance, forces destroyed the building preventing harm to anyone.

During the operation, the force found AK-47s, grenades and blasting caps, the latter used to initiate IEDs.

Nine women and 17 children present on the compound were unharmed during the operation due to the precise actions of Coalition forces.


United States Forces Afghanistan's mission, in coordination with NATO's International Security Assistance Force, is to conduct operations to defeat terrorist networks and insurgents by developing effective governance and building the Afghan National Security Force.  Effective security throughout the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan facilitates continued regional stability and increases economic development for the people of Afghanistan.

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