Attachment G: Program Access Modifications at Emergency Shelters



1.         O’Gorman High School; 3201 S Kiwanis Avenue; owner - Sioux Falls Catholic Schools; Polling place / Emergency Shelter.


a.         Voting / Emergency Shelter Parking


i.          Although the parking lot has a total of 600 parking spaces, an inadequate number are designated as reserved for use by people with disabilities.  On the shortest accessible route to the accessible entrance, provide 2 van- accessible spaces and 12 standard spaces designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  Standard accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 60 inches wide.  Van accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 96 inches wide.  All spaces designated as reserved for people with disabilities shall have vertical signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that they cannot be obstructed by parked vehicles.  Van accessible spaces shall have an additional “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6, 4.30.7(1).


ii.          The parking lot is inaccessible because the access aisle for the van-accessible space is 60" wide, there is no “van accessible” signage, accessible parking spaces are not dispersed among the accessible facility entrances, and the lot lacks vertical clearance.  Provide accessible parking such that some accessible parking spaces serve each of the accessible facility entrances.  Standards § 4.6.2. The van accessible parking reserved for persons with disabilities lacks the appropriate signage.  At van accessible spaces, provide a “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility such that the sign cannot be obstructed by vehicles parked in the space.  Standards §§ 4.6.4, 4.30.7(1). The van accessible parking space is inaccessible because it lacks vertical clearance, including height).  Provide a minimum vertical clearance of 98 inches at designated van accessible parking spaces and along at least one vehicle access route to such spaces from site entrances and exits.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.5.


b.         Toilet Rooms


i.          Men’s Toilet Room with Stalls


(1)        The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is located on the door.  Provide a toilet room sign with the International Symbol of Accessibility and raised and Braille characters.  The sign shall be mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign at 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6, 4.30.7.


(2)        The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Provide hot water and drain pipes that are insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Standards § 4.19.4.


(3)        The toilet stall is inaccessible because it is 38 inches wide.  The toilet is inaccessible because there is insufficient clear floor space.  Provide clear floor space that complies with Fig. 30 at the toilet.  Standards § 4.17.3, Fig. 30.


(4)        The toilet is inaccessible because the centerline is at 20 inches from the side wall and the flush control is on the closed side of the toilet.  Provide a toilet with a centerline that measures 18 inches from the near side wall.  Standards § 4.16.2, Fig. 28.  Also provide a flush control mounted on the “open” side of the toilet’s clear floor space; 44 inches or less above the finished floor; and requiring a maximum of 5 pounds of force to operate; or provide an automatic flush device.  Standards §§ 4.16.5, 4.27.4.


(5)        No accessible coat hook has been provided.  Provide a coat hook at a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach and that is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.25.2, 4.25.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.


(6)        There is no rear grab bar.  Provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches in overall length, with the closer end no more than 6 inches from the side wall; mounted 33 to 36 inches above the finished floor; with a diameter between 1¼ and 1½ inches; with 1½ inches between the grab bar and the wall; and at least 1½ inches between the grab bar and any other object, such as a toilet seat cover dispenser.  Standards §§ 4.16.4, 4.26.2, Fig. 29.


ii.          Men’s Toilet Room with stalls, Recreation Center Locker Room


(1)        The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is mounted over the door.  Provide a toilet room sign with raised and Braille characters.  The sign shall be mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign at 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6.  signage over door.


(2)        Although an audible alarm is provided in this facility, there is no visual alarm in the toilet room to alert deaf people to emergencies.  Provide a visual alarm appliance in the toilet room.  Standards §§ 4.28.1, 4.28.3.


(3)        There is no accessible shower stall. Provide a shower in this room that is exactly 36 inches wide and 36 inches deep with a 48 inch long and 36 inch wide clear floor space alongside the shower opening, and an L-shaped shower seat mounted on the wall opposite the controls and extending the full depth of the stall; OR a shower that is at least 30 inches deep and 60 inches wide with no curb or threshold and with a 36 inch deep and 60 inch wide clear floor space at the shower opening.  Ensure that the shower has grab bars, controls, a shower spray unit, and a seat, curb, and enclosure, if provided, that comply fully with the Standards and with Figs. 35, 36, and 37, as applicable.  Standards § 4.21, Figs. 35, 36, 37.


(4)        The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Provide hot water and drain pipes that are insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Standards § 4.19.4.


(5)        The toilet stall is 38" wide, and the toilet is inaccessible because there is insufficient clear floor space.  Provide clear floor space that complies with Fig. 30 at the toilet.  Standards § 4.17.3, Fig. 30.


(6)        The toilet is inaccessible because the flush control is on the closed side of the stall.  Provide a flush control mounted on the “open” side of the toilet’s clear floor space; 44 inches or less above the finished floor; and requiring a maximum of 5 pounds of force to operate; or provide an automatic flush device.  Standards §§ 4.16.5, 4.17.2, 4.27.4.


(7)        The grab bars are inaccessible because there are two side grab bars and no rear grab bar.  Provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches in overall length, with the closer end no more than 6 inches from the side wall, and a side grab bar that is at least 40 inches in overall length, with the far end mounted at least 54 inches from the rear wall and the closer end 12 inches or less from the rear wall.  Ensure that the grab bars are mounted 33 to 36 inches above the finished floor; with a diameter between 1¼ and 1½ inches; with 1½ inches between the grab bar and the wall; and at least 1½ inches between the grab bar and any other object, such as a toilet seat cover dispenser or a toilet paper dispenser.  Standards §§ 4.17.6, 4.26.2, Fig. 30.


iii.         Women’s Toilet Room with Stalls, Lower Level


(1)        The toilet room sign is inaccessible because it is located over the door.  Provide a toilet room sign with the International Symbol of Accessibility and raised and Braille characters.  The sign shall be mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign at 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6, 4.30.7.


(2)        Although an audible alarm is provided in this facility, there is no visual alarm appliance in the toilet room.  Provide a visual alarm appliance in the toilet room to alert deaf people to emergencies.  Standards §§ 4.28.1, 4.28.3.


(3)        Although there are 6 stalls, there is no ambulatory stall provided.  Provide at least one stall that is exactly 36 inches wide with an outward swinging, self-closing door and parallel grab bars complying with Fig 30(d).  Standards §§ 4.22.4, Fig. 30(d).


(4)        In the standard style stall, the toilet is inaccessible because the flush control is on the closed side of the stall.  Provide a flush control mounted on the “open” side of the toilet’s clear floor space; 44 inches or less above the finished floor; and requiring a maximum of 5 pounds of force to operate; or provide an automatic flush device.  Standards §§ 4.16.5, 4.17.2, 4.27.4.


2.         Roosevelt High School; 6600 W. 41st  Street; owner - Sioux Falls School District; Emergency Shelter.


a.         Locker Rooms


i.          Men’s Toilet and Locker Room with stalls


(1)        The air dryer is inaccessible as the highest operable part of air dryer is 72".  Provide an air dryer with mechanical controls, if any, that can be operated with 5 lbf or less and that can be used with one hand and without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist (lever-operated, push-type, and electronically controlled mechanisms are examples of acceptable designs).  Standards § 4.27.4.


(2)        The urinal is inaccessible because the urinal rim is mounted at 22 inches above the finished floor. Provide a urinal with an elongated rim mounted 17 inches or less above the finished floor, a clear floor space of at least 30 inches wide and 48 inches deep centered on the urinal, and a flush control height of 44 inches or less above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.18.2, 4.18.3, 4.18.4.


(3)        The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Provide hot water and drain pipes that are insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Standards § 4.19.4.


(4)        The toilet stall is 36 inches wide.  The toilet is inaccessible because there is insufficient clear floor space.  Provide clear floor space that complies with Fig. 30 at the toilet.  Standards § 4.17.3, Fig. 30.


(5)        The side grab bar at the toilet is inaccessible because it is obstructed by the toilet paper dispenser.  Provide a side grab bar that is at least 40 inches in overall length, with the far end mounted at least 52 inches from the rear wall and the closer end 12 inches or less from the rear wall; mounted 33 to 36 inches above the finished floor; with a diameter between 1¼ and 1½ inches; with 1½ inches between the grab bar and the wall; and at least 1½ inches between the grab bar and any other object, such as the toilet paper dispenser.  Standards §§ 4.16.4, 4.26.2, Fig. 29.


(6)        No rear grab bar is provided.  Provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches in overall length, with the closer end no more than 6 inches from the side wall; mounted 33 to 36 inches above the finished floor; with a diameter between 1¼ and 1½ inches; with 1½ inches between the grab bar and the wall; and at least 1½ inches between the grab bar and any other object, such as a toilet seat cover dispenser.  Standards §§ 4.16.4, 4.26.2, Fig. 29.


ii.          Women’s Toilet and Locker Room with stalls


(1)        The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Provide hot water and drain pipes that are insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Standards § 4.19.4.


(2)        The toilet stall is 36 inches wide.  The toilet  is inaccessible because there is insufficient clear floor space.  Provide clear floor space that complies with Fig. 30 at the toilet.  Standards § 4.17.3, Fig. 30.


(3)        The side grab bar at the toilet is inaccessible because it is obstructed by the toilet paper dispenser.  Provide a side grab bar that is at least 40 inches in overall length, with the far end mounted at least 52 inches from the rear wall and the closer end 12 inches or less from the rear wall; mounted 33 to 36 inches above the finished floor; with a diameter between 1¼ and 1½ inches; with 1½ inches between the grab bar and the wall; and at least 1½ inches between the grab bar and any other object, such as the toilet paper dispenser.  Standards §§ 4.16.4, 4.26.2, Fig. 29.


(4)        No rear grab bar is provided.  Provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches in overall length, with the closer end no more than 6 inches from the side wall; mounted 33 to 36 inches above the finished floor; with a diameter between 1¼ and 1½ inches; with 1½ inches between the grab bar and the wall; and at least 1½ inches between the grab bar and any other object, such as a toilet seat cover dispenser.  Standards §§ 4.16.4, 4.26.2, Fig. 29.


(5)        Although there are 6 or more stalls, there is no ambulatory stall provided.  Provide at least one stall that is exactly 36 inches wide with an outward swinging, self-closing door and parallel grab bars complying with Fig 30(d).  Standards §§ 4.22.4, Fig. 30(d).


3.         Sioux Falls Arena and Convention Center: 1201 N. West Avenue; City of Sioux Falls; Emergency Shelter.


a.         North Side


i.          Women’s Toilet Room - No accessible coat hook has been provided.  Provide a coat hook at a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach and that is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.25.2, 4.25.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.


ii.          Single User Toilet Room


(1)        The International Symbol of Accessibility is mounted on the door.  Provide a toilet room sign with raised and Braille characters.  The sign shall be mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign at 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6.


(2)        The paper towel dispenser is inaccessible because it is a protruding object that cannot be detected by a blind person using a cane..  Provide an accessible route at this location such that no objects with their bottom leading edges measuring between 27 inches and 80 inches above the finished floor protrude more than 4 inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.  Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 inches maximum from 27 inches to 80 inches above the ground or finished floor.  Standards § 4.4.


(3)        The toilet paper dispenser is inaccessible because the controls are mounted above the side grab bar.  Provide a toilet paper dispenser with the controls a maximum height above the finished floor of 48 inches for a forward approach or 54 inches for a side approach and that is accompanied by clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches that allows a forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair.  Standards §§ 4.27.2, 4.27.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6.


4.         Washington High School; 501 N, Sycamore Ave; Sioux Falls School District; Emergency Shelter.        


a.         Parking


i.          Main parking lot


(1)        Although the parking lot has a total of 588 parking spaces, an inadequate number (9 standard and 1 van accessible) are designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  On the shortest accessible route to the accessible entrance, provide 2 van accessible spaces and 12 standard spaces designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  Standard accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 60 inches wide.  Van accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 96 inches wide.  All spaces designated as reserved for people with disabilities shall have vertical signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that they cannot be obstructed by parked vehicles.  Van accessible spaces shall have an additional “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6, 4.30.7(1).


(2)        The parking reserved for persons with disabilities is inaccessible because the parking spaces are not level.  Provide designated accessible parking spaces and access aisles that are flat and level, with slopes and cross-slopes not exceeding 1:50 in all directions,                                            with surfaces that are firm, stable, and slip-resistant.           Standard §§ 4.3.6, 4.5.1, 4.6.3.


ii.          Side Parking Lot


(1)        Although the side parking lot has a total of 144 parking spaces, an inadequate number (2 standard and no van accessible), are designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  In addition, the pavement markings for the designated accessible spaces that are provided are not clear.  On the shortest accessible route to the accessible entrance, provide 1 van accessible spaces and 5 standard spaces designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  Standard accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 60 inches wide.  Van accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 96 inches wide.  There should be clear demarcation showing where the spaces are located.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6.3, Fig. 9.


(2)        One of the designated accessible parking spaces lacks appropriate signage reserving it for use by persons with disabilities.  At all spaces designated as reserved for persons with disabilities, provide vertical signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that they cannot be obstructed by parked vehicles.  At van accessible spaces, provide an additional “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility.  Standards §§ 4.6.4, 4.30.7(1).


b.         Toilet Rooms


i.          Men’s Locker Room with stalls


(1)        The air dryer is inaccessible as the highest operable part of air dryer is 72".  Provide an air dryer with mechanical controls, if any, that can be operated with 5 lbf or less and that can be used with one hand and without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist (lever-operated, push-type, and electronically controlled mechanisms are examples of acceptable designs).  Standards § 4.27.4. 


(2)        The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Provide hot water and drain pipes that are insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Standards § 4.19.4. 


(3)        The toilet is inaccessible because there is insufficient clear floor space.  The stall is 34 inches by 62 inches.  Provide clear floor space that complies with Fig. 30 at the toilet.  Standards § 4.17.3, Fig. 30.


(4)        The side grab bar at the toilet is inaccessible because the toilet paper dispenser is mounted improperly.  Provide a side grab bar that has at least 1½ inches between the grab bar and any other object, such as the toilet paper dispenser.  Standards §§ 4.17.6, 4.26.2, Fig. 39.


(5)        No rear grab bar is provided.  Provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches in overall length, with the closer end no more than 6 inches from the side wall; mounted 33 to 36 inches above the finished floor; with a diameter between 1¼ and 1½ inches; with 1½ inches between the grab bar and the wall; and at least 1½ inches between the grab bar and any other object, such as a toilet seat cover dispenser.  Standards §§ 4.17.6, 4.26.2, Fig. 30.


(6)        The shower in the locker room is inaccessible because adequate clear floor space is not provided.  Provide a shower in this room that is exactly 36 inches wide and 36 inches deep with a 48 inch long and 36 inch wide clear floor space alongside the shower opening, and an L-shaped shower seat mounted on the wall opposite the controls and extending the full depth of the stall; OR a shower that is at least 30 inches deep and 60 inches wide with no curb or threshold and with a 36 inch deep and 60 inch wide clear floor space at the shower opening.  Ensure that the shower has grab bars, controls, a shower spray unit, and a seat, curb, and enclosure, if provided, that comply fully with the Standards and with Figs. 35, 36, and 37, as applicable.  Standards § 4.21, Figs. 35, 36, 37.


c.         Women’s Locker Room with Stalls


i.          The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Provide hot water and drain pipes that are insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Standards § 4.19.4. 


ii.          Although there are 6 stalls, there is no ambulatory stall provided.  Provide at least one stall that is exactly 36 inches wide with an outward swinging, self-closing door and parallel grab bars complying with Fig 30(d).  Standards §§ 4.22.4, Fig. 30(d).


iii.         The toilet is inaccessible because there is insufficient clear floor space. The stall is 34" by 68 inches.  Provide clear floor space that complies with Fig. 30 at the toilet.  Standards § 4.17.3, Fig. 30.


iv.         The side grab bar at the toilet is inaccessible because the toilet paper dispenser is mounted improperly.  Provide a side grab bar that has at least 1½ inches between the grab bar and any other object, such as the toilet paper dispenser.  Standards §§ 4.17.6, 4.26.2, Fig. 39.


v.         No rear grab bar is provided.  Provide a rear grab bar that is at least 36 inches in overall length, with the closer end no more than 6 inches from the side wall; mounted 33 to 36 inches above the finished floor; with a diameter between 1¼ and 1½ inches; with 1½ inches between the grab bar and the wall; and at least 1½ inches between the grab bar and any other object, such as a toilet seat cover dispenser.  Standards §§ 4.17.6, 4.26.2, Fig. 30.


vi.         The shower in locker room is inaccessible because clear floor space is not provided.  Provide a shower in this room that is exactly 36 inches wide and 36 inches deep with a 48 inch long and 36 inch wide clear floor space alongside the shower opening, and an L-shaped shower seat mounted on the wall opposite the controls and extending the full depth of the stall; OR a shower that is at least 30 inches deep and 60 inches wide with no curb or threshold and with a 36 inch deep and 60 inch wide clear floor space at the shower opening.  Ensure that the shower has grab bars, controls, a shower spray unit, and a seat, curb, and enclosure, if provided, that comply fully with the Standards and with Figs. 35, 36, and 37, as applicable.  Standards § 4.21, Figs. 35, 36, 37.


d.         Men’s Public Toilet Room with Stalls


i.          The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Provide hot water and drain pipes that are insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Standards § 4.19.4.


ii.          The toilet is inaccessible because there is insufficient clear floor space in the stall, which is only 57 inches wide.  Provide clear floor space that complies with Fig. 30 at the toilet.  Standards § 4.17.3, Fig. 30.


iii.         The toilet is inaccessible because the flush control is on the closed side of the stall.  Provide a flush control mounted on the “open” side of the toilet’s clear floor space; 44 inches or less above the finished floor; and requiring a maximum of 5 pounds of force to operate; or provide an automatic flush device.  Standards §§ 4.16.5, 4.17.2, 4.27.4.flush on closed side



e.         Women’s Public Toilet Room with stalls


i.          The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water pipes are not insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Provide hot water and drain pipes that are insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Standards § 4.19.4.


ii.          Although there are 6 stalls, there is no ambulatory stall provided.  Provide at least one stall that is exactly 36 inches wide with an outward swinging, self-closing door and parallel grab bars complying with Fig 30(d).  Standards §§ 4.22.4, Fig. 30(d).