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ARC Gallery: Immigration and Naturalization


Immigrants and Alien ArrivalsNaturalization


About Naturalization Records

Naturalization records contain files that include two main types of documents:

  1. declarations of intention to become naturalized as a U.S. citizen, which applicants filed in federal court
  2. petitions for naturalization to the United States requesting citizenship, which applicants filed in federal court

Immigrants from around the world have become citizens of the United States through the naturalization process. Click on the maps below to see selected naturalization records for immigrants from individual countries. A number key to all of the featured countries is below the maps. You may also click on the links in the number key to see the same selected naturalization records for immigrants from those countries. Please note that not all National Archives naturalization records are described in ARC at the item level. The records featured in the searches below represent only a fraction of the naturalization records held by the National Archives.

North and South America

1- Canada
2- Mexico
3- Cuba
4- Dominican Republic
7- Honduras
5- Guatemala
5- Guatemala 6- El Salvador
7- Honduras 8- Nicaragua
10- Panama
9- Costa Rica 12- Venezuela
13- Guyana
11- Columbia
19- Ecuador
14- Brazil
18- Peru
17- Bolivia
16- Chile
15- Argentina

Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia

48- Sweden 50- Russia
47- Finland
49- Norway
46- Estonia
45- Latvia 46- Estonia
21- United Kingdom 27- Denmark
26- Netherlands 44- Lithuania
20- Ireland 34- Poland
28- Germany
25- Belgium
35- Czech Republic and Slovakia
43- Ukraine
29- Luxembourg 28- Germany
33- Austria
36- Hungary
24- France 42- Romania
30- Switzerland
32- Slovenia/ Yugoslavia
37- Croatia
37- Croatia
41- Bulgaria
37- Croatia 38- Serbia
31- Italy 52- Armenia
23- Spain
22- Portugal 51- Turkey
68- North Korea and South Korea
39- Albania
40- Greece
59- China 61- Japan
54- Syria
65- Tunisia
55- Iraq
53- Israel
56- Iran
63- Morocco 53- Israel
64- Algeria
66- Egypt
57- India
58- Myanmar
62- Philippines
68- Australia
67- South Africa
69- New Zealand

Number Key to the Countries

1. Canada
2. Mexico
3. Cuba
4. Dominican Republic
5. Guatemala
6. El Salvador
7. Honduras
8. Nicaragua
9. Costa Rica
10. Panama
11. Colombia
12. Venezuela
13. Guyana
14. Brazil
15. Argentina
16. Chile
17. Bolivia
18. Peru
19. Ecuador
20. Ireland
21. United Kingdom
22. Portugal
23. Spain
24. France
25. Belgium
26. Netherlands
27. Denmark
28. Germany
29. Luxembourg
30. Switzerland
31. Italy
32. Yugoslavia/Slovenia
33. Austria
34. Poland
35. Czechoslovakia
(Czech Republic and Slovakia)

36. Hungary
37. Croatia
38. Serbia
39. Albania
40. Greece
41. Bulgaria
42. Romania
43. Ukraine
44. Lithuania
45. Latvia
46. Estonia
47. Finland
48. Sweden
49. Norway
50. Russia
51. Turkey
52. Armenia
53. Israel
54. Syria
55. Iraq
56. Iran
57. India
58. Burma (Myanmar)
59. China
60. North Korea and South Korea
61. Japan
62. Philippines
63. Morocco
64. Algeria
65. Tunisia
66. Egypt
67. South Africa
68. Australia
69. New Zealand


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