Archival Research Catalog (ARC)

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ARC Gallery: Immigration and Naturalization


Immigrants and Alien ArrivalsNaturalization

Click on any image to find ARC search results related to that topic.  See more ARC Search Hints.

Angel Island Immigration Station (ARC ID 595673) Chinese Exclusion Acts Case Files, 1880 - 1960 (ARC ID 278603) Chinese Exclusion Acts Investigation Files, 1882 - 1943 (ARC ID 278494) Ellis Island Immigration Station (ARC ID 595034) Enemy Alien Case File on Ernst Hamann (ARC ID 296431)
Enemy Alien Registration Affidavits, 1917 - 1921 (ARC ID 288581) Alien Registration Affidavits (ARC ID 294934) Famous Immigrants (ARC ID 596270) Immigrant Labor (ARC ID 650922) Immigrants and Communism (ARC ID 296493)
Intelligence Division Reports on Passengers (ARC ID 296074) Irish Potato Famine (ARC ID 609808) Landing Reports of Aliens (ARC ID 279085) Mexican Farm Workers (Bracero Program) (ARC ID 296749) Passenger and crew lists of vessels arriving at New York, New York, June 1897 - July 1957 (ARC ID 300348)
Selected documents relating to the Titanic, 1912 - 1918 (ARC ID 278336) Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus Cases in Hawaii (ARC ID 295974)      


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