339115 Ophthalmic Goods: Customs Value by Customs Value
For ALL Countries

U.S. Imports For Consumption

Annual + Year-To-Date Data from Jan - Aug


Country 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 YTD 2005 YTD Percent Change
YTD2004 - YTD2005
In 1,000 Dollars
China 448,497 524,828 555,615 655,560 448,728 517,628 15.4%
Italy 442,551 416,713 462,726 514,314 344,006 381,128 10.8%
Japan 202,301 185,704 188,383 198,924 137,960 112,955 -18.1%
Ireland 56,954 73,807 114,745 180,589 107,662 131,218 21.9%
Indonesia 86,190 140,219 121,163 145,943 96,010 122,264 27.3%
Taiwan 110,147 120,482 126,932 141,391 94,360 93,883 -0.5%
United Kingdom 68,715 75,954 116,760 102,828 71,862 64,878 -9.7%
Mexico 63,329 47,087 47,491 93,199 53,940 80,302 48.9%
Hong Kong 126,717 101,654 82,579 66,077 50,732 35,054 -30.9%
France 68,600 64,562 57,045 53,283 38,395 33,045 -13.9%
Korea 72,596 66,542 54,752 48,242 34,549 36,361 5.2%
Philippines 21,889 28,116 40,085 43,265 32,729 18,255 -44.2%
Austria 36,898 40,802 47,367 41,425 25,567 27,043 5.8%
Thailand 21,527 33,116 36,111 37,444 25,247 35,894 42.2%
Germany 23,215 27,005 21,893 22,098 14,802 13,971 -5.6%
Subtotal : 1,850,125 1,946,591 2,073,647 2,344,581 1,576,548 1,703,880 8.1%
All Other: 64,789 62,370 55,791 53,048 34,716 41,023 18.2%
Total 1,914,914 2,008,961 2,129,438 2,397,629 1,611,263 1,744,902 8.3%


Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.