Website Feedback (OMB No.: 0625-0217 Expire: 05/31/09)

*Email: (required)

       1. What types(s) of information were you looking for when visiting Export.Gov:

       2. Were you able to find the information you were looking for?
      No Partially Yes

       3. How would you rate the overall usability of Export.Gov?
      Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent

       4. How useful was the search feature? (Please describe what you were searching for, what you entered, and the quality of your results)

       5. How would you change or improve the site? What enhancements would make it more useful?

*In the box below, please enter the text (security code) just as it appears in the image below, or if you cannot see the image you may

Why do we do this? We do this because it is possible for search engines and other tools to submit this form, either accidentally or on purpose, which can cause unnecessary
e-mail traffic.