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Cool summer AIRS temperatures in U.S. Northeast

Aug 14, 2009

June and July in the U.S. Northeast are cool, compared to previous summers

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Release Notes for Giovanni

Jul 31, 2009

New release features new data fetching software, new data products

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GES DISC staff presentation at international monsoon study program meeting

Jul 17, 2009

NASA data and services will help support examination of human-monsoon interactions in Asia

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AIRS Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Data Product detects Mount Redoubt Eruption Cloud

Jun 17, 2009

The Atmospheric InfraRed Sensor on the Aqua satellite detected the sulfur dioxide cloud from the eruption of Mount Redoubt in Alaska on March 22. The WMS/OGC server provides data which show the movement of the eruption cloud in the atmosphere. Mount Redoubt erupted again on March 26.

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AIRS near-real-time observes sulfur plume from Kuril Island volcano

Jun 16, 2009

The AIRS near-real-time data capability of the GES DISC captures a view of the sulfur-laden eruption plume from Sarychev Peak

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AIRS Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Data Product detects Mount Redoubt Eruption Cloud

Mar 26, 2009

On March 22, Alaska's Mount Redoubt, which had been seismically restless for several weeks, erupted explosively, sending several clouds of ash and volcanic gas into the atmosphere, and causing local floods due to melting ice and snow on the volcanic peak. Ash in the atmosphere caused the cancellation of many flights in and out of the Anchorage airport.

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Giovanni provides unique perspective on Sudden Stratospheric Warming with AIRS data

Feb 08, 2009

AIRS data in Giovanni provides a unique view of the occurrence of a Sudden Stratospheric Warming event commencing in mid-January 2009. ...

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American Meteorological Society Short Course on Giovanni

Jan 06, 2009

At the Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society in Phoenix, Arizona, GES DISC staff are giving a one-day short course ...

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2008 Fall AGU Meeting: Earth Science Data System Presentations

Dec 12, 2008

The Goddard Earth Sciences DISC has a tradition of excellence in utilizing cutting-edge techniques and methods to enable scientists to find and use remote-sensing geophysical data. Six presentations ...

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2008 Fall AGU Meeting: Atmospheric Data and Visualization Presentations

Dec 08, 2008

Outstanding atmospheric data products and services at the GES DISC are featured in presentations about the Aura mission sensors; the A-Train Data Depot; and simulated atmospheric data fly-throughs in Google Earth - all at the Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco.

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2008 Fall AGU Meeting: Climate, Models, and Oceans Presentations

Dec 04, 2008

30 years of meteorological data; 6 years of AIRS data; a new system for 8 years of IR data from geostationary satellites, 11 years of ocean color data over the Chesapeake Bay - the GES DISC has tools and data to study climate, to be described at the Fall AGU Meeting in San Francisco.

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Scientists from the GES DISC participate in Aura Science Team meeting

Oct 22, 2008

Several scientists from the GES DISC - Suraiya Ahmad, James Johnson, Steve Kempler, ...

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GES DISC Staff at AIRS Science Team Meeting

Oct 10, 2008

GES DISC staff members Mike Theobald and Andrey Savtchenko will be presenting on GES DISC data operations and AIRS applications ...

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GES DISC Teams Receive Robert H. Goddard Honor Awards in 2008

Sep 17, 2008

Three teams from the Goddard Earth Sciences DISC received Robert H. Goddard Honor Awards for 2008.

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AIRS multi-day product, counts doubled

Jul 17, 2008

The AIRS Project Team has discovered an error in the software that combines the daily Level 3 Product (AIRSX3STD, AIRH3STD, AIRS3STD) to create the multi-day products (AIRX3ST8, AIRX3STM, AIRH3ST8, AIRH3STM, AIRS3ST8, AIRS3STM).

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Presentation at Committee for Space Research 2008 Scientific Assembly

Jul 09, 2008

Young-In Won is the lead author of a presentation analyzing the effect of solar variability on MLS and AIRS atmospheric temperature measurements.

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Completion of AIRS Version 5.2 Data Reprocessing

Apr 23, 2008

To address the AMSU-A channel 4 noise problem, the AIRS science team delivered a new processing algorithm V5.2. It applies to AIRS+AMSU-A Level-2 (AIRX2*) and Level-3 (AIRX3*) products.

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AMSU-A Channel 4 NeDT Update (#1)

Dec 20, 2007

AMSU-A Channel 4 NeDT continues to degrade, reaching 3K by the beginning of December, 2007.

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Aqua DPREP Ephemeris and Attitude Data Interruption (update)

Dec 07, 2007

Early this past Sunday (December 2, 2007; Day 336), circumstances both onboard the spacecraft and at the EOS Operations Center led to corruption of the memory partition that holds the ground-based attitude determination (GBAD) data in the Aqua spacecraft's solid state recorder (SSR).

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AMSU-A Channel 4 Radiometric Noise (NeDT) Increase

Oct 29, 2007

The radiometric noise, NeDT, in AMSU channel 4 has recently increased significantly.

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  • Last updated: Dec 03, 2008 10:52 AM ET