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Web Sites
General information on the AIRS instrument, algorithms, and other AIRS-related activities.
Instrument specification of AIRS and other instruments on Aqua, such as, AMSU, HSB.
Direct link to Humidity Sounder for Brazil web site in English.
AIRS links at University of Maryland - Baltimore County, such as presentation, calibration, radiative transfer, validation and more.
Images from thinned radiance data, level 2 regression retrievals for specified spatial and temporal ranges, channel numbers and other criteria.
Earth Observing System mission information.
Earth Observing System Data and Information System site.
Information about the NASA Aqua project.
About HDF-EOS format, HDF-EOS tools and information, HDF/HDF-EOS workshop and more
Aqua orbit tracks for global area and over specific continents.


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  • Last updated: May 06, 2009 11:59 AM ET