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AIRS L2 Support Product (AIRS/AMSU)

Product Description Product Summary

AIRX2SUP data sample product

The Support Product includes higher vertical resolution profiles of the quantities found in the Standard Product, plus intermediate outputs (e.g., microwave-only retrieval), research products such as the abundance of trace gases, and detailed quality assessment information. The Support Product profiles contain 100 levels between 1100 and .016 mb; this higher resolution will simplify the generation of radiances using forward models, though the vertical information content is no greater than that in the Standard Product profiles. The intended users of the Support Product are researchers interested in generating forward radiance or in examining research products, and the AIRS algorithm development team. The Support Product will be generated at all locations where Standard Products are generated.

An AIRS granule has been set as 6 minutes of data. This will normally correspond to approximately 1/15 of an orbit but exactly 45 scanlines of AMSU-A data or 135 scanlines of AIRS and HSB data.

GES DISC Data Access

ESDT Shortname:

Global, Twice Daily
(Daytime and Nighttime)

Horizontal: 45km Vertical: 100 pressure levels

10.4 MB/file, 240 files/day

Product Guide:
AIRS User Guide

Instrument Guide:
AIRS Instrument Guide
AMSU-A Instrument Guide
HSB Instrument Guide

To plot AIRS L2 support product quicklook,

idl -novm -rt=air2sup_look.sav
 -args filename1 filename2(optional)
filename1: L2 support product filename2: corresponding L1B IR radiance product Example:
idl -novm -rt=air2sup_look.sav –args AIRS.2003.07.13.060.L2.RetSup.v5.0.14.0.
G07250024135.hdf AIRS.2003.07.13.060.L1B.

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  • Last updated: Aug 03, 2009 01:10 PM ET