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AIRS IR Level 1B Calibrated, Geolocated Radiances

Product Description Product Summary

AIRS IR Level 1B data sample image

The AIRS Infrared (IR) level 1B data set contains AIRS infrared calibrated and geolocated radiances in milliWatts/m**2/cm**-1/steradian. This data set is generated from AIRS level 1A digital numbers (DN), including 2378 infrared channels in the 3.74 to 15.4 µm region of the spectrum. A day's worth of AIRS data is divided into 240 scenes each of 6 minute duration. For the AIRS infrared measurements, an individual scene consists of 135 scanlines containing 90 cross-track footprints; thus there is a total of 135 x 90 = 12,150 footprints per AIRS IR scene.

AIRS employs a 49.5 degree cross-track scanning with a 1.1 degree instantaneous field of view (IFOV) to provide twice daily coverage of essentially the entire globe in a 1:30 PM sun synchronous orbit. Combined with the passive microwave measurements from the AMSU-A and HSB instruments aboard the same platform, the AIRS calibrated radiances are used primarily to retrieve vertical profiles of temperature and humidity. An AIRS level 1B daily summary browse product is also available to provide users with a global quick look capability when searching for data of interest.

GES DISC Data Access

ESDT Shortname:

Global, Twice Daily
(Daytime and Nighttime)

13.5 km at nadir 41 km x 21.4 km at the scan extremes

Spectral Range:
2378 channels from 3.74 - 4.61 µm 6.20 - 8.22 µm 8.8 - 15.4 µm

56 MB/file, 240 files/day

Product Guide:
AIRS User Guide

Instrument Guide:
AIRS Instrument Guide

To plot AIRS brightness temperatures 
on satellite projection:
(can save the image as well) idl -novm -rt=airs1b_look.sav –args filename channel_number(option) AIRS.2003.07.13.060.L1B.AIRS_Rad.v5. 0.0.0.G07090194232.hdf 790 default channel=768 (1-2378)
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  • Last updated: Aug 03, 2009 01:10 PM ET