USAID Lebanon: From the American People

Programs Overview

USAID works with communities throughout Lebanon to meet needs in the following five areas:

Creating Jobs

The rural tourism, agri-business, and communications and information technology sectors could be engines of growth for Lebanon. To generate more jobs, USAID strengthens businesses in those fields. All have potential to expand in rural areas where unemployment is higher.

Investing in Youth

A good education is one of the most important things any country can give its children. To improve more than 200 public schools, USAID is making repairs and providing new equipment, which will serve 75,000 students across the country. USAID also offers scholarships for children and youth to attend American-style schools and universities in Lebanon.

Protecting the Environment

Roughly 50 percent of Lebanon’s water is lost through poor management. USAID works with the Ministry of the Environment, municipalities and water institutions to improve management and laws. In addition, the program has helped build wastewater treatment plants to improve sewerage throughout the country and clean up the oil spill along the northern coast.

Encouraging Good Governance

USAID works with local municipalities to strengthen planning and budgeting. It encourages the national parliament to be more responsive to local needs. USAID also assists civic organizations in holding public officials accountable and instituting sound business practices.

Rebuilding Lebanon

USAID is rebuilding the Mudeirej bridge and providing humanitarian assistance to those most affected by the conflict. These projects are part of the $230 million in supplemental funding for humanitarian, reconstruction and security assistance to Lebanon announced in August 2006.

Lebanon Country Profile