USAID Lebanon: From the American People



Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Beirut, Lebanon

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Lebanon Mission Director Denise A. Herbol attended the launching of  the “Spreading Road Safety Culture” project with the Minister of Interior and Municipalities Ziad Baroud.


This project will strengthen citizen awareness of driver safety issues and Lebanese driving laws.  The campaign will include 32 television advertisements providing information on a range of topics, such as the meaning of posted road signs and lane markers.   Billboards and flyers will emphasize the dangers of drinking and driving, the consequences of excessive speed, and the importance of using seatbelts.  In addition, the Red Cross will receive computer software to register and track road accident information.


USAID funding of this $75,000 project is a collaborative effort between two implementing partners -- the $9 million “Transparency and Accountability Grants” program implemented by AMIDEAST and the $8.2 million “Strengthening the Independence of the Judiciary and Citizen Access to Justice” program implemented by the National Center for State Courts.