STS-99 KSC Electronic Photo File

[Image Movie Archive]

The following electronic images depict some of the preflight , launch and landing activities associated with the Space Shuttle Mission STS-99. For other shuttle missions visit the Shuttle Countdown Image/Movie Archive Please Note: These photos are available only in electronic form. They cannot be ordered as hard-copy prints. However, you are free to transfer them locally and print them on your own printer.

Available in Low,Medium,High Resolution Contact sheets.

  1. KSC-99PP-0923 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is moved to a payload canister in the SSPF
  2. KSC-99PP-0924 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is moved to a payload canister in the SSPF
  3. KSC-99PP-0925 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is moved to a payload canister in the SSPF
  4. KSC-99PP-0968 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is moved from the SSPF to OPF bay 2
  5. KSC-99PP-0969 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is moved into OPF bay 2 inside a payload canister
  6. KSC-99PP-0970 - (L,M,H) - A crane is lowered over the payload canister with the SRTM inside
  7. KSC-99PP-0971 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is lifted from a payload canister in OPF bay 2
  8. KSC-99PP-0972 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is lifted into the cargo bay of Endeavour in OPF bay 2
  9. KSC-99PP-0973 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is lowered into the cargo bay of Endeavour in OPF bay 2
  10. KSC-99PP-0974 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is lowered into the cargo bay of Endeavour in OPF bay 2
  11. KSC-99PP-0994 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew takes part in CEIT at KSC
  12. KSC-99PP-0995 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew takes part in CEIT at KSC
  13. KSC-99PP-0996 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew takes part in CEIT at KSC
  14. KSC-99PP-0997 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew takes part in CEIT at KSC
  15. KSC-99PP-0998 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew takes part in CEIT at KSC
  16. KSC-99PP-0999 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew takes part in CEIT at KSC
  17. KSC-99PP-1000 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew takes part in CEIT at KSC
  18. KSC-99PP-1001 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew takes part in CEIT at KSC
  19. KSC-99PP-1008 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is viewed in the payload bay of Endeavour before door closure
  20. KSC-99PP-1009 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is viewed in the payload bay of Endeavour before door closure
  21. KSC-99PP-1010 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is viewed in the payload bay of Endeavour before door closure
  22. KSC-99PP-1053 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is removed from Endeavour's payload bay to ease wiring inspections
  23. KSC-99PP-1054 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is removed from Endeavour's payload bay to ease wiring inspections
  24. KSC-99PP-1055 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is removed from Endeavour's payload bay to ease wiring inspections
  25. KSC-99PP-1056 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is removed from Endeavour's payload bay to ease wiring inspections
  26. KSC-99PP-1057 - (L,M,H) - SRTM is removed from Endeavour's payload bay to ease wiring inspections
  27. KSC-99PP-1367 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour's payload bay doors waiting to close
  28. KSC-99PP-1368 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour's payload bay doors waiting to close
  29. KSC-99PP-1369 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour's payload bay doors waiting to close
  30. KSC-99PP-1370 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Orbiter Endeavour rolls to VAB
  31. KSC-99PP-1371 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Orbiter Endeavour rolls to VAB
  32. KSC-99PP-1372 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Orbiter Endeavour rolls into VAB
  33. KSC-99PP-1373 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Orbiter Endeavour rolls inside VAB
  34. KSC-99PP-1374 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Orbiter Endeavour rolls to VAB
  35. KSC-99PP-1381 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifted to vertical in VAB
  36. KSC-99PP-1382 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifted to vertical in VAB
  37. KSC-99PP-1383 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifted to vertical in VAB
  38. KSC-99PP-1384 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifted to vertical in VAB
  39. KSC-99PP-1385 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifted to vertical in VAB
  40. KSC-99PP-1400 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Workers replace Endeavour's main engine No. 3
  41. KSC-99PP-1401 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Workers replace Endeavour's main engine No. 3
  42. KSC-99PP-1405 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour rolls out to Launch Pad 39A
  43. KSC-99PP-1406 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour rolls out to Launch Pad 39A
  44. KSC-99PP-1407 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour rolls out to Launch Pad 39A
  45. KSC-99PP-1408 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour rolls out to Launch Pad 39A
  46. KSC-00PP-0002 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Commander Kregel arrives at KSC for TCDT activities
  47. KSC-00PP-0003 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Thiele arrives at KSC for TCDT activities
  48. KSC-00PP-0004 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Mohri arrives at KSC for TCDT activities
  49. KSC-00PP-0005 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Kavandi arrives at KSC for TCDT activities
  50. KSC-00PP-0006 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew talk to media after arrival at KSC for TCDT activities
  51. KSC-00PP-0007 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew talk to media after arrival at KSC for TCDT activities
  52. KSC-00PP-0008 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Mohri after arrival at KSC for TCDT
  53. KSC-00PP-0009 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew pose for the media after arrival at KSC for TCDT activities
  54. KSC-00PP-0012 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew practice driving an M-113 during TCDT
  55. KSC-00PP-0013 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew practice driving an M-113 during TCDT
  56. KSC-00PP-0014 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew practice driving an M-113 during TCDT
  57. KSC-00PP-0015 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew practice driving an M-113 during TCDT
  58. KSC-00PP-0016 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew practice driving an M-113 during TCDT
  59. KSC-00PP-0017 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew practice driving an M-113 during TCDT
  60. KSC-00PP-0018 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew practice driving an M-113 during TCDT
  61. KSC-00PP-0019 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew practice driving an M-113 during TCDT
  62. KSC-00PP-0020 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew practice driving an M-113 during TCDT
  63. KSC-00PP-0038 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew suit up for trip to launch pad during TCDT
  64. KSC-00PP-0039 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew suit up for trip to launch pad during TCDT
  65. KSC-00PP-0040 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew suit up for trip to launch pad during TCDT
  66. KSC-00PP-0042 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew talk to media near launch pad
  67. KSC-00PP-0043 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew pose for photo at launch pad during TCDT
  68. KSC-00PP-0044 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew pose for photo at launch pad during TCDT
  69. KSC-00PP-0045 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew pose for photo in White Room at launch pad
  70. KSC-00PP-0046 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Commander Kregel places sign identifying mission
  71. KSC-00PP-0047 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew look over safety equipment during TCDT
  72. KSC-00PP-0048 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew check out emergency egress equipment during TCDT
  73. KSC-00PP-0049 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew check out emergency egress equipment during TCDT
  74. KSC-00PP-0050 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew receive instructions on emergency equipment at launch pad
  75. KSC-00PP-0051 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew try on oxygen masks during TCDT
  76. KSC-00PP-0052 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew leave for launch pad after suiting up for TCDT
  77. KSC-00PP-0053 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew leave for launch pad after suiting up for TCDT
  78. KSC-00PP-0066 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Mohri suits up during TCDT
  79. KSC-00PP-0067 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Commander Kregel suits up during TCDT
  80. KSC-00PP-0068 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Kavandi suits up during TCDT
  81. KSC-00PP-0069 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Pilot Gorie suits up for trip to launch pad during TCDT
  82. KSC-00PP-0070 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Thiele suits up during TCDT
  83. KSC-00PP-0071 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Voss suits up for trip to launch pad during TCDT
  84. KSC-00PP-0072 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew check out emergency egress equipment at launch pad during TCDT
  85. KSC-00PP-0073 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew check out emergency egress equipment at launch pad during TCDT
  86. KSC-00PP-0074 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew check out emergency egress equipment at launch pad during TCDT
  87. KSC-00PP-0075 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew pose for photo at launch pad during TCDT
  88. KSC-00PP-0087 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 SRTM inside Endeavour's payload bay
  89. KSC-00PP-0088 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 SRTM inside Endeavour's payload bay
  90. KSC-00PP-0089 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 SRTM inside Endeavour's payload bay
  91. KSC-00PP-0090 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 SRTM inside Endeavour's payload bay
  92. KSC-00PP-0105 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Thiele arrives for launch
  93. KSC-00PP-0106 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Commander Kregel arrives for launch
  94. KSC-00PP-0107 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Pilot Gorie arrives for launch
  95. KSC-00PP-0108 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Mohri arrives for launch
  96. KSC-00PP-0109 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Kavandi arrives for launch
  97. KSC-00PP-0110 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Voss arrives for launch
  98. KSC-00PP-0111 - (L,M,H) - CD Bridges greets STS-99 crew at SLF after their arrival for launch
  99. KSC-00PP-0112 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew greets the media at SLF after their arrival for launch
  100. KSC-00PP-0113 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialists Thiele and Mohri greet the media at SLF
  101. KSC-00PP-0114 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew pose for a group photo at SLF after their arrival for launch
  102. KSC-00PP-0116 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew at their pre-launch breakfast
  103. KSC-00PP-0117 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Voss suits up before launch
  104. KSC-00PP-0118 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Commander Kregel suits up before launch
  105. KSC-00PP-0119 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Thiele suits up before launch
  106. KSC-00PP-0120 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Kavandi suits up before launch
  107. KSC-00PP-0121 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Pilot Gorie suits up before launch
  108. KSC-00PP-0122 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Mohri suits up before launch
  109. KSC-00PP-0123 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew exits the O&C enroute to Launch Pad 39A
  110. KSC-00PP-0124 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew exits the O&C enroute to Launch Pad 39A
  111. KSC-00PP-0125 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 RSS rollback from Space Shuttle Endeavour on Launch Pad 39A
  112. KSC-00PP-0126 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew members meet with family and friends
  113. KSC-00PP-0127 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew members meet with family and friends
  114. KSC-00PP-0128 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew members meet with family and friends
  115. KSC-00PP-0129 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew members meet with family and friends
  116. KSC-00PP-0130 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew members meet with family and friends
  117. KSC-00PP-0131 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew members meet with family and friends
  118. KSC-00PP-0142 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 RSS rolls back in to position over Endeavour
  119. KSC-00PP-0143 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 RSS rolls back in to position over Endeavour
  120. KSC-00PP-0144 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 RSS rolls back in to position over Endeavour
  121. KSC-00PP-0145 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Thiele and Commander Kregel depart from SLF
  122. KSC-00PP-0146 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 M.S. Thiele and Voss, Pilot Gorie and Commander Kregel before departure
  123. KSC-00PP-0147 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 M.S. Thiele and Voss, Pilot Gorie and Commander Kregel before departure
  124. KSC-00PP-0148 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Mohri and his wife get ready to depart from PAFB
  125. KSC-00PP-0149 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Mohri waves before departing from PAFB
  126. KSC-00PP-0160 - (L,M,H) - A new Master Events Controller is prepared for installation in STS-99 Endeavour
  127. KSC-00PP-0161 - (L,M,H) - A new Master Events Controller is prepared for installation in STS-99 Endeavour
  128. KSC-00PP-0162 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Technicians work in Endeavour's aft compartment of the payload bay
  129. KSC-00PP-0163 - (L,M,H) - The faulty Master Events Controller is removed from STS-99 Endeavour
  130. KSC-00PP-0164 - (L,M,H) - The faulty Master Events Controller is carried away from STS-99 Endeavour
  131. KSC-00PP-0165 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 workers carry new Master Events Controller to Endeavour
  132. KSC-00PP-0166 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 workers move new Master Events Controller into aft compartment
  133. KSC-00PP-0167 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Commander Kregel returns to KSC for launch
  134. KSC-00PP-0168 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Thiele returns to KSC for launch
  135. KSC-00PP-0169 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Pilot Gorie arrives at KSC for launch
  136. KSC-00PP-0170 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Mohri arrives at KSC for launch
  137. KSC-00PP-0171 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialists Thiele and Mohri greeted by Dave King
  138. KSC-00PP-0172 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew respond to media at SLF
  139. KSC-00PP-0173 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialists Thiele and Mohri address media at SLF
  140. KSC-00PP-0174 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew wave as they leave the SLF
  141. KSC-00PP-0203 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew gathers for breakfast before launch
  142. KSC-00PP-0204 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Mohri dons suit for launch
  143. KSC-00PP-0205 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Commander Kregel dons suit for launch
  144. KSC-00PP-0206 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Voss dons suit for launch
  145. KSC-00PP-0207 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Kavandi dons suit for launch
  146. KSC-00PP-0208 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Thiele dons suit for launch
  147. KSC-00PP-0209 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Pilot Gorie dons suit for launch
  148. KSC-00PP-0210 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew exits O&C for trip to launch pad
  149. KSC-00PP-0211 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew heads to Astrovan for trip to launch pad
  150. KSC-00PP-0212 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 launch is cheered by NASA Administrator Dan Goldin
  151. KSC-00PP-0213 - (L,M,H) - NASA Administrator Dan Goldin watches the STS-99 launch
  152. KSC-00PP-0214 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour rises over the waters at KSC as it lifts off
  153. KSC-00PP-0219 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifts off from Launch Pad 39A
  154. KSC-00PP-0220 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifts off from Launch Pad 39A
  155. KSC-00PP-0221 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifts off from Launch Pad 39A
  156. KSC-00PP-0222 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifts off from Launch Pad 39A
  157. KSC-00PP-0223 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifts off from Launch Pad 39A
  158. KSC-00PP-0224 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifts off from Launch Pad 39A
  159. KSC-00PP-0225 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifts off from Launch Pad 39A
  160. KSC-00PP-0226 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifts off from Launch Pad 39A
  161. KSC-00PP-0227 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifts off from Launch Pad 39A
  162. KSC-00PP-0228 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifts off from Launch Pad 39A
  163. KSC-00PP-0229 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour lifts off from Launch Pad 39A
  164. KSC-00PP-0247 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour nears touchdown at SLF after successful mission
  165. KSC-00PP-0248 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour nears touchdown at SLF after successful mission
  166. KSC-00PP-0249 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour landing (close side view)
  167. KSC-00PP-0250 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour landing (wide side view)
  168. KSC-00PP-0251 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew members check Endeavour after landing.
  169. KSC-00PP-0252 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Mission Specialist Mohri smiles for camera.
  170. KSC-00PP-0253 - (L,M,H) - The STS-99 crew poses with NASA Administrator Dan Goldin.
  171. KSC-00PP-0254 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour nears touchdown (side view)
  172. KSC-00PP-0255 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour nears touchdown at SLF after successful mission
  173. KSC-00PP-0256 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour touches down at SLF after successful mission
  174. KSC-00PP-0257 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour touches down at SLF after successful mission
  175. KSC-00PP-0258 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew and family depart for Houston
  176. KSC-00PP-0259 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew and family depart for Houston
  177. KSC-00PP-0260 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew and family depart for Houston
  178. KSC-00PP-0261 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew and family depart for Houston
  179. KSC-00PP-0262 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 crew and family depart for Houston
  180. KSC-00PP-0263 - (L,M,H) - STS-99 Endeavour touches down at SLF after successful mission

DISCLAIMER: These photographs are available for preview and download in electronic digital color form ONLY. They are a cropped or some other electronically processed version of an original NASA negative and cannot be ordered from NASA in photograph form. No copyright protection is asserted for these photographs. If a recognizable person appears in this photograph, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA of a commercial product. (See NASA Copyright Notice)

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Photos By: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (taken by Aerospace Imaging/Johnson Controls)
Scanned By: Seven/Still Photo Imaging
Captions: Information Dynamics, Inc (Kay Grinter, Anita Barrett, and Elaine Liston)
Curator: Jim Dumoulin ( / NASA
Last Updated: Wednesday October 11 15:05:35 EDT 2000 (J. Dumoulin)

A service of NASA/Kennedy Space Center Spaceport Engineering & Technology Directorate