STS-88 KSC Electronic Photo File

[Image Movie Archive]

The following electronic images depict some of the preflight , launch and landing activities associated with the Space Shuttle Mission STS-88. For other shuttle missions visit the Shuttle Countdown Image/Movie Archive Please Note: These photos are available only in electronic form. They cannot be ordered as hard-copy prints. However, you are free to transfer them locally and print them on your own printer.

Available in Low,Medium,High Resolution Contact sheets.

  1. KSC-97EC-0550 - (L,M,H) - Endeavour lands atop 747 after downtime at Palmdale, CA
  2. KSC-97EC-0922 - (L,M,H) - ISS Node 1 Arrival at KSC's SLF
  3. KSC-97EC-0923 - (L,M,H) - ISS Node 1 Arrival at KSC's SLF
  4. KSC-97EC-0924 - (L,M,H) - ISS Node 1 Arrival into SSPF high bay
  5. KSC-97EC-0927 - (L,M,H) - ISS Node 1's move to the SSPF high bay is complete
  6. KSC-97EC-0932 - (L,M,H) - ISS Node 1 processing continues in SSPF high bay
  7. KSC-97EC-0933 - (L,M,H) - ISS Node 1 processing continues in SSPF high bay
  8. KSC-97EC-0934 - (L,M,H) - ISS Node 1 processing continues in SSPF high bay
  9. KSC-97EC-0935 - (L,M,H) - ISS Node 1 Processing in SSPF high bay
  10. KSC-97EC-0941 - (L,M,H) - ISS Node 1 is unwrapped in SSPF high bay
  11. KSC-97EC-0944 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Crew members viewing Node 1
  12. KSC-97EC-0945 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Crew members viewing Node 1
  13. KSC-98EC-0293 - (L,M,H) - The Pressurized Mating Adapter-2 is prepared for mating to Node 1 in SSPF
  14. KSC-98EC-0294 - (L,M,H) - The Pressurized Mating Adapter-2 is prepared for mating to Node 1 in SSPF
  15. KSC-98EC-0295 - (L,M,H) - The Pressurized Mating Adapter-2 is prepared for mating to Node 1 in SSPF
  16. KSC-98EC-0296 - (L,M,H) - The Pressurized Mating Adapter-2 is prepared for mating to Node 1 in SSPF
  17. KSC-98EC-0297 - (L,M,H) - The Pressurized Mating Adapter-2 is prepared for mating to Node 1 in SSPF
  18. KSC-98EC-0298 - (L,M,H) - The Pressurized Mating Adapter-2 is prepared for mating to Node 1 in SSPF
  19. KSC-98EC-0346 - (L,M,H) - ISS Node 1 is readied for weight and center of gravity determination
  20. KSC-98EC-0347 - (L,M,H) - ISS Node 1 is readied for weight and center of gravity determination
  21. KSC-98EC-0348 - (L,M,H) - ISS Node 1 is readied for weight and center of gravity determination
  22. KSC-98EC-0349 - (L,M,H) - Node 1 and PMA-1 are moved for weight and center of gravity determination
  23. KSC-98EC-0350 - (L,M,H) - Node 1 and PMA-1 are moved for weight and center of gravity determination
  24. KSC-98EC-0351 - (L,M,H) - Node 1 and PMA-1 are moved for weight and center of gravity determination
  25. KSC-98EC-0352 - (L,M,H) - Node 1 and PMA-1 are moved for weight and center of gravity determination
  26. KSC-98EC-0353 - (L,M,H) - Node 1 and PMA-1 are moved for weight and center of gravity determination
  27. KSC-98EC-0354 - (L,M,H) - International Space Station Node 1 is moved for leak test
  28. KSC-98EC-0355 - (L,M,H) - International Space Station Node 1 is moved for leak test
  29. KSC-98EC-0356 - (L,M,H) - International Space Station Node 1 is moved for leak test
  30. KSC-98EC-0357 - (L,M,H) - International Space Station Node 1 is moved for leak test
  31. KSC-98EC-0358 - (L,M,H) - International Space Station Node 1 is moved for leak test
  32. KSC-98EC-0359 - (L,M,H) - International Space Station Node 1 is moved for leak test
  33. KSC-98EC-1525 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 crew members exit O&C for trip to launch pad and practice countdown
  34. KSC-98EC-1526 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist James H. Newman suits up for TCDT
  35. KSC-98EC-1527 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist Jerry L. Ross suits up for TCDT
  36. KSC-98EC-1528 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Commander Robert D. Cabana suits up for TCDT
  37. KSC-98EC-1530 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist Nancy J. Currie suits up for TCDT
  38. KSC-98EC-1531 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev suits up for TCDT
  39. KSC-98EC-1532 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Pilot Frederick W. "Rick" Sturckow suits up for TCDT
  40. KSC-98EC-1535 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 crew members take part in news conference
  41. KSC-98EC-1536 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 crew members practice emergency egress from the launch pad
  42. KSC-98EC-1537 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 crew members practice emergency egress from the launch pad
  43. KSC-98EC-1538 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 crew members practice emergency egress from the launch pad
  44. KSC-98EC-1539 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 crew members practice emergency egress from the launch pad
  45. KSC-98EC-1540 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 crew members practice emergency egress from the launch pad
  46. KSC-98EC-1541 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialists Krikalev and Newman inside Endeavour
  47. KSC-98EC-1542 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Commander Cabana and Pilot Sturckow inside Endeavour
  48. KSC-98EC-1543 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialists Currie and Ross inside Endeavour
  49. KSC-98EC-1544 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 crew pose after successfully completing TCDT
  50. KSC-98EC-1649 - (L,M,H) - The Unity connecting module moves into payload bay of Endeavour
  51. KSC-98EC-1650 - (L,M,H) - The Unity connecting module moves into payload bay of Endeavour
  52. KSC-98EC-1651 - (L,M,H) - The Unity connecting module moves into payload bay of Endeavour
  53. KSC-98EC-1730 - (L,M,H) - The Unity connecting module rests inside the payload bay of Endeavour
  54. KSC-98EC-1731 - (L,M,H) - The Unity connecting module rests inside the payload bay of Endeavour
  55. KSC-98EC-1732 - (L,M,H) - The Unity connecting module rests inside the payload bay of Endeavour
  56. KSC-98EC-1740 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Commander Cabana arrives for launch
  57. KSC-98EC-1741 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist Krikalev arrives for launch
  58. KSC-98EC-1742 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Pilot Sturckow and Mission Specialist Currie arrive for launch
  59. KSC-98EC-1743 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist Ross arrives for launch
  60. KSC-98EC-1744 - (L,M,H) - The STS-88 crew talk with media after arrival at KSC
  61. KSC-98EC-1745 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Commander Cabana looks at the mission payload Unity at pad
  62. KSC-98EC-1746 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Pilot Sturckow and Commander Cabana look over the payload Unity at pad
  63. KSC-98EC-1747 - (L,M,H) - Shuttle Endeavour is revealed after rollback of the Rotating Service Structure
  64. KSC-98EC-1748 - (L,M,H) - Shuttle Endeavour is revealed after rollback of the Rotating Service Structure
  65. KSC-98EC-1749 - (L,M,H) - Shuttle Endeavour is revealed after rollback of the Rotating Service Structure
  66. KSC-98EC-1756 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Crew Breakfast in O&C Building
  67. KSC-98EC-1757 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist Jerry Ross in O&C building before launch
  68. KSC-98EC-1758 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist James Newman suits up before launch
  69. KSC-98EC-1759 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist Nancy Currie suits up before launch
  70. KSC-98EC-1760 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Pilot Rick Sturckow suits up in O&C building before launch
  71. KSC-98EC-1761 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Commander Robert Cabana suits up before launch
  72. KSC-98EC-1762 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist Krikalev dons flight suit
  73. KSC-98EC-1763 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 crew walk out of O&C on their way to Launch Pad 39A
  74. KSC-98EC-1764 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 crew head for Astrovan for ride to Launch Pad 39A
  75. KSC-98EC-1769 - (L,M,H) - Secretary of State Albright awaits the launch of STS-88
  76. KSC-98EC-1770 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 crew returns to the O&C Bldg. after the launch scrub
  77. KSC-98EC-1777 - (L,M,H) - The STS-88 crew eats a meal together before launch
  78. KSC-98EC-1778 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Commander Cabana suits up for launch
  79. KSC-98EC-1779 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Pilot Sturckow suits up for launch
  80. KSC-98EC-1780 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist suits up for launch
  81. KSC-98EC-1781 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist Krikalev suits up for launch
  82. KSC-98EC-1782 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist Ross suits up for launch
  83. KSC-98EC-1783 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Mission Specialist Currie suits up for launch
  84. KSC-98EC-1784 - (L,M,H) - The STS-88 crew leaves the O&C Building for the launch pad
  85. KSC-98EC-1785 - (L,M,H) - The STS-88 crew leaves the O&C Building for the launch pad
  86. KSC-98EC-1786 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Endeavour launches from Pad 39-A
  87. KSC-98EC-1787 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Endeavour launches from Pad 39-A
  88. KSC-98EC-1788 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Endeavour launches from Pad 39-A
  89. KSC-98EC-1789 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Endeavour launches from Pad 39-A
  90. KSC-98EC-1790 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Endeavour launches from Pad 39-A
  91. KSC-98EC-1791 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Endeavour launches from Pad 39-A
  92. KSC-98EC-1792 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Endeavour launches from Pad 39-A
  93. KSC-98EC-1793 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Endeavour launches from Pad 39-A
  94. KSC-98EC-1794 - (L,M,H) - STS-88 Endeavour launches from Pad 39-A
  95. KSC-98EC-1850 - (L,M,H) - Endeavour lands at the Shuttle Landing Facility after a flawless mission on STS-88
  96. KSC-98EC-1851 - (L,M,H) - Endeavour lands at the Shuttle Landing Facility after a flawless mission on STS-88
  97. KSC-98EC-1852 - (L,M,H) - Endeavour lands at the Shuttle Landing Facility after a flawless mission on STS-88
  98. KSC-98EC-1857 - (L,M,H) - Endeavour crew greets media at the Shuttle Landing Facility after a flawless mission on STS-88
  99. KSC-98EC-1858 - (L,M,H) - Endeavour crew greets media at the Shuttle Landing Facility after a flawless mission on STS-88
  100. KSC-98EC-1859 - (L,M,H) - Endeavour crew greets media at the Shuttle Landing Facility after a flawless mission on STS-88
  101. KSC-98EC-1860 - (L,M,H) - Endeavour crew greets media at the Shuttle Landing Facility after a flawless mission on STS-88

DISCLAIMER: The 'EC' in the KSC-98EC-1860 photo identification number means that these photographs are available for preview and download in electronic digital color form ONLY. They are a cropped or some other electronically processed version of an original NASA negative and cannot be ordered from NASA in photograph form. No copyright protection is asserted for these photographs. If a recognizable person appears in this photograph, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA of a commercial product.

STS-88 Mission Page Previous STS-95 Images

Photos By: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (taken by Bionetics)
Scanned By: Bionetics and NASA/KSC Internet Lab (Dumoulin, Downs)
Captions: Information Dynamics, Inc (Kay Grinter, Anita Barrett, and Elaine Liston)
Curator: Jim Dumoulin ( / NASA
Last Updated: Wednesday December 16 08:36:11 EDT 1998 (M. Downs)

A service of NASA/Kennedy Space Center Public Affairs Office, David Dickinson, Acting Director (