STS-86 KSC Electronic Photo File

[Image Movie Archive]

The following electronic images depict some of the preflight , launch and landing activities associated with the Space Shuttle Mission STS-86. For other shuttle missions visit the Shuttle Countdown Image/Movie Archive Please Note: These photos are available only in electronic form. They cannot be ordered as hard-copy prints. However, you are free to transfer them locally and print them on your own printer.

Available in Low,Medium,High Resolution Contact sheets.

  1. KSC-97EC-1221 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis rolls over to the VAB
  2. KSC-97EC-1222 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis rolls over to the VAB
  3. KSC-97EC-1225 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis rolls over to the VAB (leaving OPF)
  4. KSC-97EC-1226 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis rolls over to the VAB (in VAB)
  5. KSC-97EC-1244 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis rolls out to Pad 39A (at pad)
  6. KSC-97EC-1245 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis rolls out to Pad 39A (sunrise in background)
  7. KSC-97EC-1246 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis rolls out to Pad 39A (side view)
  8. KSC-97EC-1247 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis rolls out to Pad 39A (at pad)
  9. KSC-97EC-1248 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis rolls out to Pad 39A (before RSS rotation)
  10. KSC-97EC-1249 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis rolls out to Pad 39A (full moon on horizon)
  11. KSC-97EC-1337 - (L,M,H) - SPACEHAB DM arrives at the SSPF for its move to Pad 39A
  12. KSC-97EC-1338 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis awaits installation of SPACEHAB DM at Pad 39A
  13. KSC-97EC-1339 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis awaits installation of SPACEHAB DM at Pad 39A
  14. KSC-97EC-1340 - (L,M,H) - The canister containing SPACEHAB DM in module at Pad 39A
  15. KSC-97EC-1341 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis awaits installation of SPACEHAB DM at Pad 39A
  16. KSC-97EC-1342 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Titov at SLF for TCDT
  17. KSC-97EC-1343 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew members arrive at the SLF for TCDT
  18. KSC-97EC-1344 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew members Wolf and Lawrence at SLF for TCDT
  19. KSC-97EC-1345 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Commander Wetherbee at KSC's SLF for TCDT
  20. KSC-97EC-1346 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Wolf at SLF for TCDT
  21. KSC-97EC-1351 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew member Wolf dons a gas mask during TCDT
  22. KSC-97EC-1352 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew members Wolf, Chretien and Titov in M-113
  23. KSC-97EC-1353 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew members Lawrence, Titov and Parazynski in M-113
  24. KSC-97EC-1354 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew addresses the press during TCDT activities at LC 39A
  25. KSC-97EC-1355 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Commander James Wetherbee speaks at TCDT
  26. KSC-97EC-1356 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Pilot Mike Bloomfield speaks at TCDT
  27. KSC-97EC-1357 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Jean-Loup Chretien at TCDT
  28. KSC-97EC-1358 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew members (Parazynski, Wolf, Lawrence) in slidewire basket
  29. KSC-97EC-1359 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Crew Photo outside hatch in LC-39A White Room
  30. KSC-97EC-1367 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Crew Photo at Launch Pad 39A
  31. KSC-97EC-1368 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Crew walkout for TCDT
  32. KSC-97EC-1369 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew members pose in their space suits during TCDT
  33. KSC-97EC-1370 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew undergoes emergency egress training during TCDT
  34. KSC-97EC-1371 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew undergoes emergency egress training during TCDT
  35. KSC-97EC-1372 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew undergoes emergency egress training during TCDT
  36. KSC-97EC-1373 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew undergoes emergency egress training during TCDT
  37. KSC-97EC-1374 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew practice countdown procedures in Atlantis during TCDT
  38. KSC-97EC-1375 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew departs KSC following TCDT activities
  39. KSC-97EC-1376 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew departs KSC following TCDT activities
  40. KSC-97EC-1377 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew departs KSC following TCDT activities
  41. KSC-97EC-1378 - (L,M,H) - T-38 jets depart after TCDT
  42. KSC-97EC-1396 - (L,M,H) - Atlantis' payload bay doors are closed for launch
  43. KSC-97EC-1397 - (L,M,H) - Atlantis' payload bay doors are closed for launch
  44. KSC-97EC-1398 - (L,M,H) - Atlantis' payload bay doors are closed for launch
  45. KSC-97EC-1399 - (L,M,H) - Atlantis' payload bay doors are closed for launch
  46. KSC-97EC-1404 - (L,M,H) - Russian replacement computer before stowage into SPACEHAB
  47. KSC-97EC-1407 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Chretien arrives at SLF before launch
  48. KSC-97EC-1408 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Wolf arrives at SLF before launch
  49. KSC-97EC-1409 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew arrives at the SLF before launch
  50. KSC-97EC-1410 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Chretien visits LC 39A on L-1
  51. KSC-97EC-1411 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Commander Wetherbee visits LC 39A on L-1
  52. KSC-97EC-1412 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Titov visits LC 39A on L-1
  53. KSC-97EC-1413 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew visits LC 39A on L-1
  54. KSC-97EC-1414 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Wolf visits LC 39A on L-1
  55. KSC-97EC-1415 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Wolf and friend visit LC 39A on L-1
  56. KSC-97EC-1416 - (L,M,H) - RSS at LC 39A is rolled back to reveal Atlantis ready for launch
  57. KSC-97EC-1417 - (L,M,H) - RSS at LC 39A is rolled back to reveal Atlantis ready for launch
  58. KSC-97EC-1418 - (L,M,H) - RSS at LC 39A is rolled back to reveal Atlantis ready for launch
  59. KSC-97EC-1419 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Crew Lunch in O&C Building
  60. KSC-97EC-1420 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Vladimir Titov suits up
  61. KSC-97EC-1421 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Chretien suits up
  62. KSC-97EC-1422 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Scott Parazynski suits up
  63. KSC-97EC-1423 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist David Wolf suits up
  64. KSC-97EC-1424 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Commander Jim Wetherbee suits up
  65. KSC-97EC-1425 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Wendy Lawrence suits up
  66. KSC-97EC-1426 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Pilot Michael Bloomfield suits up
  67. KSC-97EC-1427 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Crew Walkout
  68. KSC-97EC-1428 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Crew Walkout
  69. KSC-97EC-1429 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Launch
  70. KSC-97EC-1430 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Launch
  71. KSC-97EC-1431 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Launch
  72. KSC-97EC-1432 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Launch
  73. KSC-97EC-1433 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Launch
  74. KSC-97EC-1434 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Launch
  75. KSC-97EC-1435 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Scott Parazynski in white room
  76. KSC-97EC-1436 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist David Wolf in white room
  77. KSC-97EC-1438 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew members Bloomfield and Chretien in white room
  78. KSC-97EC-1439 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialists Lawrence and Chretien in white room
  79. KSC-97EC-1440 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Jean-Loup J.M. Chretien in white room
  80. KSC-97EC-1441 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Commander James Wetherbee in white room
  81. KSC-97EC-1442 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Launch
  82. KSC-97EC-1444 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Launch
  83. KSC-97EC-1492 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Landing
  84. KSC-97EC-1493 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Landing
  85. KSC-97EC-1494 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Landing
  86. KSC-97EC-1495 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Landing
  87. KSC-97EC-1496 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Landing
  88. KSC-97EC-1497 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Landing
  89. KSC-97EC-1498 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Landing
  90. KSC-97EC-1499 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Atlantis Landing
  91. KSC-97EC-1500 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 M.S. Titov and Chretien walk around Atlantis after landing
  92. KSC-97EC-1501 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Pilot Bloomfield feels heat from a tire after landing
  93. KSC-97EC-1502 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Commander Wetherbee greeted by KSC Shuttle officials
  94. KSC-97EC-1503 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Mission Specialist Chretien feels heat from Atlantis
  95. KSC-97EC-1504 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Landing (Main Gear Touchdown (from back)
  96. KSC-97EC-1505 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 Landing (Main Gear Touchdown)
  97. KSC-97EC-1506 - (L,M,H) - Astronaut Foale is reunited with his family
  98. KSC-97EC-1507 - (L,M,H) - Astronaut Foale is reunited with his family
  99. KSC-97EC-1508 - (L,M,H) - STS-86 crew members prepare to return to JSC
  100. KSC-97EC-1509 - (L,M,H) - Astronaut C. Michael Foale prepares to return to JSC
  101. KSC-97EC-1510 - (L,M,H) - Astronaut C. Michael Foale prepares to return to JSC

DISCLAIMER: These photographs are available for preview and download in electronic digital color form ONLY. They are a cropped or some other electronically processed version of an original NASA negative and cannot be ordered from NASA in photograph form. No copyright protection is asserted for these photographs. If a recognizable person appears in this photograph, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA of a commercial product. (See NASA Copyright Notice)

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Photos By: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (taken by Bionetics)
Scanned By: Bionetics and NASA/KSC Internet Lab (Dumoulin, Downs)
Captions: Sherikon Space Systems (Susan Walsh, Chuck Weirauch and Paula Shawa)
Curator: Jim Dumoulin ( / NASA
Last Updated: Thursday August 31 09:30:47 EDT 2000 (M. Downs)

A service of NASA/Kennedy Space Center Public Affairs Office, Joe Gordon, Jr., Director (