Small Business Programs Office SBPO
Introduction Information Education Opportunities

ORNL Opportunities


After you have acquainted yourself with the SBA, DOE, and ORNL policies and requirements, then you should consider taking advantage of the opportunities identified in this section.  First, register your small business in our supplier information system.  Then, periodically review the Upcoming Procurement Opportunities listing.  This listing is updated regularly, so keep monitoring!

In addition, this section provides information on our 2nd tier subcontracting opportunities, our Mentor Protégé Program, and a schedule of events that identifies conferences/workshops/seminars that you may be interested in attending and/or participating. 

Also, did you know that there are other DOE subcontracting opportunities offered by other DOE sites in Oak Ridge?  ORNL is one of 5 DOE prime contractors in Oak Ridge.  There are also opportunities at the DOE Oak Ridge Site Office.  Make sure that you visit these sites (on the right side of this page), learn their policies and requirements, and then contact their Small Business Program Managers (on the left side of this page) for more information or discussion.



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Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a national multi-program research and development facility
managed by UT-Battelle, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy

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