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"How efficient do you think are our methods of receiving radio-signals are-for possible detection of extra-terrestrial life? "
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  1. Question

    I was wondering if the Planet around 51Pegasi is really sutable for human life and if other planets are too.

    We know almost nothing about the planets found circling other stars (exoplanets) except their masses and the length of their year. The 51 Peg planet, like most of those discovered, is too large and too hot to have suitable condition for life. So far we have not found any exoplanets as small as the Earth. That is why astrobiologists are looking forward to the launch of the Kepler mission on March 5, 2009, since it is designed specifically to look for evidence of Earth-like exoplanets.

    David Morrison
    NAI Senior Scientist

    March 5, 2009