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Also called: Also called: Hemiplegia, Palsy, Paraplegia, Quadriplegia

Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in part of your body. It happens when something goes wrong with the way messages pass between your brain and muscles. Paralysis can be complete or partial. It can occur on one or both sides of your body. It can also occur in just one area, or it can be widespread. Paralysis of the lower half of your body, including both legs, is called paraplegia. Paralysis of the arms and legs is quadriplegia.

Most paralysis is due to strokes or injuries such as spinal cord injury or a broken neck. Other causes of paralysis include

Polio used to be a cause of paralysis, but polio no longer occurs in the U.S.

Specific Conditions Related Issues Clinical Trials Genetics Journal Articles
References and abstracts from MEDLINE/PubMed (National Library of Medicine)
Medical Encyclopedia Directories Organizations Children You may also be interested in these MedlinePlus related pages:

The primary NIH organization for research on Paralysis is the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke -

Date last updated: July 11 2008
Topic last reviewed: May 26 2008