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USGS Western Region

Birthplace of the DOQ—USGS Western Region

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DOQ Information

National DOQ Program (NDOP)

DOQ Points of Contact

Sample of 8-meter resolution 3.75-minute DOQ
8-meter resolution portion of a 3.75-minute DOQ
Sample of 8-meter resolution 3.75-minute DOQ
1-meter resolution portion of a 3.75-minute DOQ

Free USGS data viewer

Help for Arcview and ArcInfo Users

Technical Documentation

DOQ Fact Sheet

DOQ Standards

DOQ metadata

GeoTIFF Format Specification

Viewing and printing the PDF data requires free software Adobe® Reader®
vertical rule What is a DOQ?

An aerial photograph and an orthophoto or orthoimage may look alike, but there are several important differences that allow an orthophoto to be used like a map. A conventional perspective aerial photograph contains image distortions caused by the tilting of the camera and terrain relief (topography). It does not have a uniform scale. You cannot measure distances on an aerial photograph like you can on a map. An aerial photo is not a map. The effects of tilt and relief are removed from the aerial photograph by a mathematical process called rectification. An orthophoto is a uniform-scale image. Since an orthophoto has a uniform scale, it is possible to measure directly on it like other maps. An orthophoto may serve as a base map onto which other map information may be overlain. DOQ Example (image)A DOQ can be used on-screen to collect, review, and revise other digital data, especially digital line graphs (DLG) and topographic maps. When the DOQ is combined with other digital products, such as digital raster graphics (DRG) or digital elevation models (DEM), the resulting image provides additional visual information for the extraction and revision of base cartographic information.

How to Obtain DOQs
  • From the USGS

    The USGS distributes uncompressed DOQs on Compact Disc-Recordable (CD-R). Either Geotiff or native format can be specified. DOQ orders are filled on demand. There is a base charge of $45.00 per order, plus $5.00 shipping, plus $7.50 for each black and white (grayscale) 3.75 x 3.75 DOQ purchased or $15.00 for each color DOQ. Any combination of files can be ordered.

    For information on ordering DOQs on CD-R, contact any Earth Science Information Center or call 1-888-ASK-USGS, toll free. You may also order DOQs on-line from the USGS EarthExplorer Web Site

  • Viewing DOQs on-line
    A cooperative research project with Microsoft and USGS allows viewing of DOQs online at TerraServer USA. Small portions of DOQs can be directly downloaded from the TerraServer USA Web site.

  • From USGS Business Partners
    Not all of the Business Partners on this list offer DOQs. Please go to their respective Web sites or contact them directly for availability and pricing information.