
User-related administrative systems and resources for beamline staff and administrators.


Experiment-Related Systems

GUP System Login
Access to General User proposals. See the General User section for details, as well as the instructions for beamline administrators.

ESAF System Login
Access to Experiment Safety Assessment Forms.

EEF System Login for Administrators
Access to responses to End of Experiment Forms, including summaries.

EEF System Login for Users
Access to fill out End of Experiment Forms.

Beamline Usage System Login
Access to tracking system for scheduled and actual beamline usage.

Publication Database
Access to report and search publications resulting from work at the APS.



Personnel Systems

Central Registration Form
Access to form for requesting site access for new users.

User Database CAT Admin Login
Access to the view of the APS user database for beamline user administrators.

Training Management System Login
Access to Argonne system used to track training requirements and completion of training for APS users.

Other APS Systems

Detector Pool Login
Access to detector pool reservation system: search, request, reserve, and check out/in items.

XFD-OFM Work Request
Access to enter and track work requests.


To suggest additional links, please write to Linda Carlson at