X-Ray Operations and Research / X-Ray Science Division Visitor Program

The goal of the X-ray Operations and Research/X-ray Science Division (XOR/XSD) Visitor Program is to invite prominent scientists to the Advanced Photon Source (APS) in order to support and enrich this facility's scientific mission. The intent is to strengthen the existing scientific programs of the XOR/XSD groups by establishing long-term scientific collaborations, or setting the foundations for new scientific initiatives.

These visitors can be theorists or experimentalists, who will reside at the APS for a period of up to six months.


XOR/XSD groups can apply for funds from the Visitor Program by submitting a proposal to the program screening committee (administrative contact: Katie Ostry, katieost@aps.anl.gov). The committee consists of three persons*, who will judge the proposal on the basis of scientific merit and contribution to the mission of the APS and to the Visitor Program. There will be two submission calls per year, with September 1 and March 1 deadlines.

Instructions for submitting a proposal:

  1. Limit to two pages (excluding resume).
  2. Purpose of the visit, duration dates of the visit, and the research to be carried out during that period.
  3. Budget estimate (including overheads) and breakdown of costs.
  4. Visitor's resume.
  5. Send your documents in Word or PDF format to Katie Ostry, katieost@aps.anl.gov.

Note: Based on funding constraints, the Visitor Program might provide only partial support.

*Current members of the screening committee (two-year term) are Michel Van Veenendaal, Steve Heald, and George Srajer.