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HR 2, Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act
Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA)
House of Representatives

January 14, 2009
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Rep. McDermott speaking on the House floor Watch this floor speech

Mr. Chairman,

I rise in strong support for the CHIP reauthorization legislation and thank Speaker Pelosi for her leadership in bringing this bill to the floor. 

HR 2 clearly says that change has arrived for our country and our children.

Instead of the veto pen that was used last year by the outgoing president to deny health care to children, our new president will sign this legislation and in so doing begin to write a new chapter in America’s commitment to our children and our future.

HR 2 is a real down payment on our efforts to ensure universal access to affordable health care for all Americans.  It builds on successful models that have expanded access to millions of children nation wide. 

Health care should be a right not a privilege for the rich in America.

This legislation affirms the commitment of a new Congress to serve all the people, not merely those of means who can pay any price for health care while the nation pays a steep price by not covering children. 

HR 2 means an additional 4 million children will have access to health care.  It will provide access to preventive health care and this alone means America will raise healthier children who will grow to become healthier and more productive adults.

The American people have spoken.  They want a more compassionate response to our nation’s problems.  Today, we are voting with our heads and hearts to do just that.  This is not about ideology or party.  It is about providing health care to children.  HR 2 represents real change. 

I am proud to represent a state that took the lead on expanded access for children.  In 1994, 3 years before the enactment of the original SCHIP.  Washington State expanded access to children up to 200% of the federal poverty level. 

This was a huge commitment and clearly my state took the lead.   As a result we have fewer children uninsured.  We have a healthier population and more integrated primary care.  It’s a commitment that worked for all of us in the State.

HR 2 recognizes Washington’s states efforts and includes language that will allow the state to access a more than $30 million to maintain this commitment.  HR 2 rewards states like Washington who knew early one that providing quality affordable health care to children was a sound and humane investment.

HR 2 will also allow Washington State to expand our successful program to cover more uninsured children in working families.  The bill provides greater flexibility and will allow the state to meet the needs of our low income working families.

I am also grateful that this legislation includes important access for legal immigrant children who are currently denied coverage.  Children who are born in the US and are legal US citizens.  In Washington State we have provided coverage for these children.  But the state is doing this alone without the full partnership of the Federal Government.  HR 2 corrects this error and will allow Washington State to maintain coverage for more than 3,000 children. 

Mr. Chairman, we need to do the right thing.  Providing universal coverage for children is an objective that we should all support.  This legislation takes us one step closer to meeting this goal.  I urge my colleagues to support this bill. 

Thank you.




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