FTC v. Five Star Auto Club, Inc., a corporation, Michael R. Sullivan, and Angela C. Sullivan
(US District Court Southern Dist. of New York)

FTC File No. 992 3021
Civil Action No. CIV.99-1693 (McMahon)

March 11, 1999

  • Complaint for Injunctive and Other Equitable Relief [PDF 500K]
  • Proposed Temporary Restraining Order Freezing Assets, Appointing a Temporary Receiver and Providing Additional Equitable Relief [PDF 2.27MB]
  • Preliminary Injunction Freezing Assets, Appointing a Receiver and Providing Additional Equitable Relief [PDF 1.46MB] (April 5, 1999)
  • Amended Complaint for Injunctive and Other Equitable Relief [PDF 750K] (April 5, 1999)
  • (Proposed) Stipulated Final Judgment and Order for a Permanent Injunction as to Defendants Thomas Bewley and Judy Bewley (January 3, 2000) [PDF 1.45MB]
  • Decision After Trial (May 17, 2000) [PDF 4.5MB ]
  • Final Judgment and Order for a Permanet Injunctuin as to Defendants Five Star Auto Club. INC., Michael Sullivan, and Angela Sullivan [PDF 1.2MB]
  • News Release


Last Modified: Friday, 24-Oct-2008 11:37:00 EDT