Fire Ecology & Management

Fire Ecology & Management

Fire Research and Management Exchange System (FRAMES)
Technology in Support of Wildland Fire Research and Management

FRAMES is an interagency fire science program that facilitates the integration and retrieval of comprehensive data and information needed to support fire management and research. NBII has partnered with FRAMES to deliver this information via a single portal interface, providing the community with timely and reliable scientific results that are needed for the development of land management, fire management, and implementation plans.


FRAMES Research Highlights

Photos from "Vegetation Response after Wildfires in National Forests of Northeastern Oregon" by Charles Grier Johnson, Jr.  Four plots were used to study fire effects in the Douglas-fir / birchleaf spiraea plant association.  Click on the thumnail images to view larger photos.

  Vegetation Plot - August 1983
August 1983

Vegetation Plot - August 1990
August 1990
Vegetation Plot - August 1989
August 1989

Vegetation Plot - August 1995
August 1995